Saturday, August 31, 2024

Did Mammoth Hunters Favor Planted Pikes Over Spears?

Archeologists say new findings might help resolve the debate about Clovis points and reshape how we think about what life was like roughly 13,000 years ago. After an extensive review of writings and artwork -- and an experiment with replica Clovis point spears -- a team of archaeologists says humans may have braced the butt of their weapons against the ground in a way that would impale a charging animal. The force would have driven the spear deeper into the predator's body, unleashing a more damaging blow than even the strongest prehistoric hunters would have been capable of by throwing or jabbing megafauna.


They also ran the first experimental study of stone weapons that focused on pike hunting techniques, revealing how spears react to the simulated force of an approaching animal. Once the sharpened rock pierced the flesh and activated its engineered mounting system, they say, the spear tip functioned like a modern day hollow-point bullet and could inflict serious wounds to mastodons, bison and saber-toothed cats. ...

"People who are doing metal military artifact analysis know all about it because it was used for stopping horses in warfare," [researcher] Byram said. "But prior to that, and in other contexts with boar hunting or bear hunting, it wasn't very well known. It's a theme that comes back in literature quite a bit. But for whatever reason, it hasn't been talked about too much in anthropology."


"The kind of energy that you can generate with the human arm is nothing like the kind of energy generated by a charging animal. It's an order of magnitude different," Jun said. "These spears were engineered to do what they're doing to protect the user."

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-08-31 08:13 AM

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