Friday, July 19, 2024

Donald Trump Cannot Even Pretend to Change Who He Is

In the immediate aftermath of the failed assassination attempt, Trump announced he was tearing up and rewriting his speech. Reporters breathlessly declared a new speech would herald the arrival of a new man altogether. "Republicans who have observed and spoken with former President Donald Trump say they have detected a new softness to the man," reported Politico, hilariously.



The prepared remarks, circulated to the national media, came in at a tight 3,000 words. The section in which Trump recounts his near-death experience is recounted in his own fourth-grade level vocabulary, making it highly plausible he personally wrote or dictated the section himself[.]

Trump's speaking style was indeed different--softer, slower, abandoning his carnival barker patter for the tone of a bedtime story. Reporters, following the assumption of a "transformed" Trump they brought into the event, began to write accounts of the softer statesman who had emerged from his brush with death.

But then he began to riff, first occasionally, then in ever-growing chunks of verbal diarrhea. All the familiar tropes from his stump speeches returned. He claimed the election was stolen, lavished praise on dictators, riffed about things he had seen on television ("I watched the other day on a show called Deface the Nation' ... ).

The actual remarks as delivered topped 12,000 words, or four times the prepared text. Trump's 2024 acceptance speech was the longest in recorded history, topping the next two entries (Donald Trump 2016, Donald Trump 2020, respectively). The result was paradoxically incendiary yet dull. The crowd's response was, by the standards of a convention acceptance speech, shockingly sedate.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 08:23 PM

The news media, perhaps accepting his election as a given and hoping for the best, was prepared to take his "transformation" at face value. Merely performing a semblance of normality would have earned Trump an extraordinary wave of positive news coverage.

Here's an example of how the media was prepped for the big change and ready to heap praise on New Trump only to discover New Trump was really old Trump with a slower delivery:

Nate Silver
It's a weird but pretty good speech. The past few weeks have gone about as badly as possible for Democrats, and they're likely underdogs against Trump regardless of who they nominate, but the opportunity to reset the campaign with a non-Biden nominee is a twist of good fortune.
11:00 PM Jul 18, 2024

Semi-retract this tweet, this speech is boring AF, but there are worse things politically speaking than being boring.
11:40 PM Jul 18, 2024

Fully RETRACT and RESCIND, sometimes it seems like both parties are trying to throw this election.
12:03 AM Jul 19, 2024

#2 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 08:36 PM

The "liberal" media was all over embracing this "change and they LIED to cover Trump.

What they should be covering was this:

"The election result. We're never going to let that happen again."

"They used Covid to cheat. We're never going to let it happen again."

Trump's made it clear, he will not accept losing this election. No matter how obvious. No natter how big the loss. No matter what.

#3 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 08:51 PM

Tea Pain
It was a miracle Trump was able to stay awake during his own speech.
9:27 PM Jul 19, 2024

#4 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 09:36 PM

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