Sunday, March 09, 2025

Electronic employee monitoring reaches an all-time high

Even as more companies are requiring employees to return to physical offices at least some days a week, remote monitoring of employees has increased 30%, according to new data.


More from the article ...

... Monitoring of both remote and in-office employees is at an all-time high, a trend highlighted by federal workers being told to report their weekly accomplishments.

A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that 80% of companies are monitoring remote or hybrid workers. Specialized software can track online activity, location, and even behaviors such as keystrokes and tone in communications -- often without workers' knowledge.

"There's been a breakdown of trust" said Brent Cassell, a vice president in Gartner Research's HR advisory group. "You've got situation where only about 52% of employees say they trust their organization and 63% of employers trust employees. It's a faceoff."

Gartner estimates that 71% of employees are digitally monitored, up 30% from a year ago. In fact, remote employee monitoring is "quickly becoming a multi-billion dollar market," Cassell said. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-09 12:19 AM

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