Saturday, October 12, 2024

'The Bright Sword' Review: This Year's Must-Read Novel

"Grossman is best known for his Magicians fantasy series, which in many ways takes the magic school formula of Harry Potter and combines it with an adult take on Narnia. Here, he explores another kind of fairy tale, less plot-driven and more whimsical.


"Collum and his companions drift in and out of the real world and the fae realm they call the Otherworld. At times, the story can seem almost dreamlike.

There are quests and villains, but at its core this is a story about heart, and about finding and then letting go of what we thought was important.

Unlike Gondor, the age of Arthur's Britain truly is over, and it will never be the same again.


"In the end, we get plenty of the good stuff - epic battles, dastardly betrayals, wild magic, desperate duels and enchanted swords - but the final chapters also give us something more:

Healing, grace, understanding and catharsis - as well as a glimpse into our own troubled times, and how they really are no different from any other.

We are all a part of this story, shaping it as we go, a little less heroically than those towering figures in the songs and ballads who came before, but still fumbling along as best we can.

The losers and the misfits alongside the heroes and the kings."


Just finished it and then saw this review, which is spot on, I believe.

I liked reading his The Magicians books years ago, and the tv show wasn't terrible, either.

I put this right up there (almost!) with the legendary Gene Wolfe's:

"The Knight Wizard" two book series, The Knight and The Wizard... the article doesn't mention him, though it makes comparisons to Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

Wolfe also wrote Sci-Fi; he was made a Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and is best known for his, 'Book of the New Sun' Sci-Fi series.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-11 04:22 PM

"Breathtaking" "Publishers Weekly

"Astounding" "Kirkus

"Sure to be a hit" "Booklist

"Highly recommended" "Library Journal

"You'll love Lev Grossman's The Bright Sword"
"George R.R. Martin

from the author's link above

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-11 04:39 PM

Kinda makes me wish I was 12 again.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-10-12 07:57 PM

"Kinda makes me wish I was 12 again." - #3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-10-12 07:57 PM

Escape into a good book and you can be whatever you want to be, my friend.

#4 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-12 08:04 PM

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