Friday, October 25, 2024

Chris Christie says VP 'had a bad 10 days' win uncertain

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said during an appearance on "The View" Friday that Vice President Kamala Harris has had a poor showing over the last week, casting doubt on her campaign. Christie, a Republican, has voiced support for Harris since she took over as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee. However, he suggested his confidence in her campaign has been shaken recently. "There's advantages and disadvantages to coming into the race this late," he added. "The advantage is she didn't have to go through all the primaries and go through all of that that goes on that wears you down a bit. But the disadvantage is people don't know her." The job of the vice president, he said, is to support the president. Vice presidents otherwise keep a low profile, Christie noted, which has harmed Harris's recognition among Democratic voters.


Christie also touched on Harris's struggle to clarify her stances on key policy issues. This lack of clarity will also impact voters, he claimed.


... Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said during an appearance on "The View" Friday that Vice President Kamala Harris has had a poor showing over the last week, casting doubt on her campaign. ...

I agree.

VP Harris has seemed to have moved towards emphasizing what is wrong, rather that the solutions she would provide.

Less cheerful in her "looking forward" as she used to do, and now more sadly "describing the present."

The energy and excitement that i had ascribed to her campaign seems to be all but gone now.

imo, she needs to pivot.

Or is it too late for her to do so?

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-25 09:07 PM

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