Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mike Johnson Vows to Hold Aid to California Hostage

Republicans, in the peak of cruelty, are turning the L.A. fires into a political bargaining chip.


So, they are discussing tying the money California desperately needs cause of the wildfires to giving Trump the ability to give the richest people in this country massive tax cuts. Fucking evil. ow.ly/5E2C105WIUB

[image or embed]

-- Maxwell Frost (@maxwellfrost.bsky.social) January 13, 2025 at 5:08 PM


More: On Monday, House Speaker Mike Johnson told CNN's Manu Raju that there should be "conditions" on the proposed federal aid to California in the wake of the deadly wildfires in Los Angeles County.

"It appears to us that state and local leaders were derelict in their duty in many respects, so that's something that has to be factored in. I think there should probably be conditions on that aid."

Asked whether he planned on conditioning the aid to debt ceiling negotiations, Johnson said that option is on the table. "There's some discussion about that, but we'll see where it goes."

#1 | Posted by qcp at 2025-01-14 10:36 AM

Mike Johnson is a freak.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2025-01-14 10:39 AM

@#1 ... I think there should probably be conditions on that aid." ...

... and those conditions are?

Maybe a good first condition would be to act to solve the cause instead of the symptom, so maybe the GOP should change their stance on climate change?

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 02:13 PM

Hey there, Mike: in the future be sure to have all nine GOP congresscritters from California standing behind you when it comes to delivering comments like this. I'm sure they will gladly sell out their constituents to spurious nonsense about their home state, put forth from your mouth. While you're at it, go ahead and retract your requests for federal dough for New Orleans security--everyone knows its good enough already...

#4 | Posted by catdog at 2025-01-14 02:45 PM

Get used to it, it will only get worse.

#5 | Posted by bat4255 at 2025-01-14 03:05 PM

Let's call it what it is ~ BLACKMAIL

California is not the only state Trump intends to blackmail to get federal disaster aid.

He's desperate to get that tax cut bill passed for his wealthy supporters. Even if hundreds of people have to die in a disaster for lack of federal aid.

#6 | Posted by Twinpac at 2025-01-14 07:24 PM

Let's call it what it is ~ BLACKMAIL
- twinpac

I recall north Carolina people saying the same thing.

Sad US government is playing tit for tat.

Oh well.

#7 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-14 07:33 PM

The foul orange pedo has a long history of withholding aid.


#8 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-01-14 07:37 PM

"What The F**k Is Wrong With You?": Jon Stewart Burns GOPers Over Ugliest New Hypocrisy


#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 07:42 PM

If anyone needs more proof the Republican Party has nothing to offer this nation, it's the act of withholding aid to people in need.

From the bottom of my heart, F**k them and all their supporters.

#10 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 07:44 PM

Let's call it what it is ~ BLACKMAIL

It's not blackmail. It's punishment.

#11 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-01-14 07:50 PM

I thought there were more Trump loving republicans in California than anywhere else.

Further, I thought it was republicans who were the bottom feeding leeches on the govt tit.

I read what Johnson said....it's quite vague. Not sure what he really wants in exchange for the aid.

when will a bill be procured and voted on?

#12 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 07:53 PM

I thought there were more Trump loving republicans in California than anywhere else.

Was this comment supposed to mean something?

Not sure what he really wants in exchange for the aid.

Exchange? When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster?

Face it. Republicans are horrible people.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 08:22 PM

re: #9 Clownshack

Megyn Kelly has gone full moron. Probably because the dumb audience she panders to has gotten even dumber

#14 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-01-14 08:28 PM

@#13 ... Exchange? When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster? ...


#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 08:28 PM

@#13 ... Exchange? When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster? ...



The White House has asked Congress for a supplemental funding bill that adds money to FEMA's depleted Disaster Relief Fund (DRF). The request will also include billions in new funding for military aid to Ukraine in its battle against Russia. The intent of the request is to put Republican politicians into a corner, forcing them to choose between their support for hurricane victims and their opposition to sending additional taxpayer money to Ukraine.

Of course, irresponsibly forcing bloated "must-pass" bills through Congress to fund an expensive, far-off war effort lacking in accountability or oversight is nothing new for the D.C. establishment. But this latest effort doesn't merely break standard procedure in the House and Senate, it also betrays the very definition of what it means to be a representative of the people.

#16 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-14 08:47 PM

I thought there were more Trump loving republicans in California than anywhere else.

Republicans didn't win.

#17 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-14 08:48 PM

The question: "When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster?"

1MissingChromosome's response: "Ukraine"

Is call his a waste or time and a moron.

But, that's pretty evident.

#18 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 08:51 PM

@#16 ... Ukraine. ...

Can you say, ~lame deflection attempt?~

I knew you could.

These are Americans suffering.

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 09:00 PM


I'd call him a waste of time and a moron.

#20 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 09:03 PM

These are Americans suffering.

Trump has done an outstanding job dividing the nation.

MAGAts regularly vote against the best interests of our country and our people.

#21 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 09:04 PM

Another MAGAT with a target on his back. Good luck Moses. You won't see the promised land.

#22 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-14 09:45 PM


Fuck off you stupid cunt.

#23 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-14 09:45 PM

That @mohu dude

Los Angeles COUNTY alone pays more in Federal taxes than all but 4 US states.

So maybe Congresscritters from places like Grand Wizard Junction, Alabama and Fentanyl Heights, Ohio should shut the f**k up.

#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 10:24 PM

Even the last criminal moron republican president didn't blackmail New Orleans after Katrina, even though he hated black people.

#25 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-14 10:47 PM

Trump has but one goal, destroy America.

He's getting off the a strong start.

Destroying California's economy is the best way to destroy America.

#26 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 10:49 PM

"Was this comment supposed to mean something?"


"When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster?"

Is this comment supposed to mean something?

Is Johnson setting conditions or not?

What are they?

#27 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 10:50 PM

Again, in the middle of an active natural disaster, when 10s of thousands of American firefighters are working around the clock in dangerous conditions to protect other American, when 100s of thousands of Americans are at risk of destruction of all their worldly possessions, when 10s of thousands have lost their homes and literally everything but the clothes on their back, the president elect is mocking them and the republican party is blackmailing them for petty political bullshit.

Seriously, how do you magat scum sleep at night? how do you look at yourself in the mirror?

At least 4 more years of this insanity.

#28 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-14 10:52 PM

"Even the last criminal moron republican president didn't blackmail New Orleans after Katrina, even though he hated black people."

I'm sure he did. It just didn't get reported.

#29 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 10:52 PM

-At least 4 more years of this insanity.

Now now ... ..you're not insane.

Just immature

#30 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 10:54 PM

@#25 ... Los Angeles COUNTY alone pays more in Federal taxes than all but 4 US states. ...

Yeah, as I have posted links before.

The Red States seem to benefit more from the largess of the Federal Government than the Blues States.

And, quite frankly, I am OK with that. Those Red States seem to need that help.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states (2017)

... Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington. ...

#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:03 PM

"Was this comment supposed to mean something?"


You're probably the only person to get it.

"When has the federal government ever needed an exchange in order to provide federal assistance to a state hit by a natural disaster?"

Is this comment supposed to mean something?

Yes. It means never before in history has the president elect of the United States or Congress asked for concession in order to help the people of the United States.

Trump and the Republican Party hate America and they're not hiding it anymore.

Thankfully for them, they have apathetic people like you to support them.

Keep pretending this is normal.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 11:08 PM

@#29 ... I'm sure he did. It just didn't get reported. ...

Stated differently, your current alias has nothing to substantiate something it seems to be "sure" of?

#33 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:09 PM

Seriously, how do you magat scum sleep at night?

My guess is their policies didn't create this disaster.

The real question is why do you defend it? When tonite Newsom is bragging about all the fires that started today and he personally put out.

Why is he doing this? Because he can't sleep at nite knowing the damage he's caused due to his lack of leadership

#34 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-14 11:11 PM

"Even the last criminal moron republican president didn't blackmail New Orleans after Katrina, even though he hated black people."

The last president did, why would Biden do that?

#35 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-14 11:11 PM

Statement: "the last criminal moron republican president"

1LumpyDumper: "why would Biden do that?"

This guys wants people to take him seriously.

#36 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 11:19 PM

@#34 ... My guess is ...

Good to know that there seems to be nothing besides a "guess" behind your current alias' post(s).

#37 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:21 PM

"It means never before in history has the president elect of the United States or Congress asked for concession in order to help the people of the United States. "

This article is quoting the speaker of the house, not the president elect

And he's not asking for a concession. He's saying there should be conditions.

But I don't know what they are.

Do you?

#38 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 11:22 PM

That guess was supplied to them by X.

That poster hasn't had an original thought their entire posting history.

#39 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 11:23 PM

@#35 ... The last president did, why would Biden do that? ...

Two comments...

1) Pres Biden is the current president until January 20.

2) Please provide a link to substantiate that assertion.

#40 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:24 PM

@#38 ... And he's not asking for a concession. He's saying there should be conditions. ...

And the difference is?

#41 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:26 PM

This article is quoting the speaker of the house, not the president elect

So your claim is, Mike Johnson is acting independently of Trump?

You can't expect me to take you seriously.

he's not asking for a concession. He's saying there should be conditions.

Ohhh. Conditions, not concessions.

Looks like semantics are all you got to defend your insistence that this is business as usual.

I'm enjoying watching you act a fool.

#42 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-14 11:26 PM

"Ohhh. Conditions, not concessions.

Looks like semantics are all you got to defend your insistence that this is business as usual."

What are they? If they exist ... .tell me what they are.

I'm not saying there aren't any. I'm saying I don't know what they are.

Let me ask you ... ... .do you really think there will be concessions/conditions on federal aid for this disaster?

#43 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 11:31 PM

-So your claim is, Mike Johnson is acting independently of Trump?

No. I just wonder if you've read any of the attached article.

#44 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 11:33 PM

"Looks like semantics are all you got to defend your insistence that this is business as usual."

I'm just wondering if you know something that's not in the article I'm coming to the conclusion that you don't even know what IS in the article

#45 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-14 11:35 PM

@#44 ... I just wonder if you've read any of the attached article. ...

I did.

I still do not see the point your current seems to be trying to make.

#46 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-14 11:35 PM

Eberly's square dancing fast as he can to save his life.


#47 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:00 AM

Mike Johnson is acting independently of Trump?


Okay, so your statement was pointless.


I'm just wondering if you know something that's not in the article

I'm wondering if you think there's any reason Mike Johnson should be asking for "conditions" before providing federal aid to Americans affected by these fires.

You're clearly pretending there's some merit to it.

#48 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:04 AM

@#43 ...Looks like semantics are all you got to defend your insistence that this is business as usual." ...

yeah, projecting?

In #38 your current alias promoted that semantic distinction between concessions and conditions.

Now your current alias seems to be trying place the blame for that deflection upon others.

At this point, I am now wondering, what does your current alias have to contribute to this most august site, besides, apparently, trying to drag it down?

#49 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-15 12:08 AM

do you really think there will be concessions/conditions on federal aid for this disaster?

Mike Johnson: "It appears to us that state and local leaders were derelict in their duty in many respects, so that's something that has to be factored in. I think there should probably be conditions on that aid."

John Barrasso: "there will be strings attached to money that is ultimately approved, and it has to do with being ready the next time, because this was a gross failure this time." He thinks that because the "policies of the liberal administration" had "made these fires worse," the people of that administration should suffer too.

Eberly: What's the problem?

#50 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:18 AM

@#47 ... Yeehaw! ...

I don't know if Ms Williams is a country music artist or not.

I heard this tune on the area college radio station (and nowhere else) and, imo, this song is one of the good ones.

The Night's Too Long - Lucinda Williams (1998)


Sylvia was workin' as a waitress in Beaumont
She said "I'm movin' away
I'm gonna get what I want
I'm tired of these small town boys
They don't move fast enough
I'm gonna find me one who wears a leather jacket
And likes his livin' rough"

[Verse 2]
So she saved her tips and overtime
And bought an old rusty car
She sold most everything she had
To make a brand new start
She said, "I won't be needin' these
Silly dresses and nylon hose
'Cause when I get to where I'm goin'
I'm gonna buy me all new clothes"

The night's too long
It just drags on and on
And then there's never enough
That's when the sun starts comin' up
Don't let go of her hand
You just might be the right man
She loves the night
She loves the night
She doesn't want the night
Don't want it to end
Don't want it to end
See Lucinda Williams Live
Get tickets as low as $81
You might also like
Lucinda Williams
I Just Wanted To See You So Bad
Lucinda Williams
Fruits of My Labor
Lucinda Williams
[Verse 3]
Well she works in an office now
And she guesses the pay's alright
She can buy a few new things to wear
And still go out at night
And as soon as she gets home from work
She wants to be out with the crowd
Where she can dance and toss her head back
And laugh out loud

[Verse 4]
Well, the music's playin' fast
And they just met
He presses up against her
And his shirt's all soaked with sweat
And with her back against the bar
She can listen to the band
And she's holdin' a Corona
And it's cold against her hand

#51 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-15 12:18 AM

Remind me, did Democrats demand Florida Republicans do something to better prepare for the next hurricane season and blame the destruction on conservative policies.

#52 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:22 AM

@#50 ... He thinks that because the "policies of the liberal administration" had "made these fires worse," ...

OK, if that is the issue here, let's talk about climate change and how Big Oil has apparently purchased the GOP.

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-15 12:23 AM

It's not climate change, climate change is a liberal hoax.

The increased fires in California, especially these specific one which were fueled by 70 mile per hour winds, are a result of "liberal policies".

Californians should be punished.

#54 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:31 AM

It's almost like I predicted this several days ago. Oh wait...

#55 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-01-15 01:08 AM

@#54 ... It's not climate change, climate change is a liberal hoax. ...

In my opinion, it is about climate change.

Not just what is currently happening in California, but what has also happened regarding the hurricanes' assault upon the good people of Florida.

imo, what it is about is climate change, and how that wreaks havoc upon the Country.

Climate change is an enemy attacking the Country.

What will the GOP do about that enemy?

#56 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-15 01:09 AM

And I also predicted the $750 checks ... Thanks Biden!

#57 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-01-15 01:09 AM

Hey Legally, I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm thankful you didn't burn alive out there from the lack of controlled burns and basic environmental management. It's an inauguration miracle praise be to Emperor Trump.

#58 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-01-15 01:16 AM

@#58 ... I think I speak for everyone ...

Yet another alias that thinks its opinion is representative of "everyone."

#59 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-15 01:29 AM

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