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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Young men like Tasker, seen as a solidly Democratic group less than two decades ago, have been shifting further to the right politically as their economic outlook has been on a downward trajectory, especially among those without a college degree, said pollsters and social scientists. While the economy has been a top issue for many voters, it's been a particularly salient one for young men and one tied into their wider cultural ideals about their place in society and wanting to be a provider for their families. read more

Thursday, September 26, 2024

As he does every year, Sen. Rand Paul (R"Ky.) asked the Senate on Wednesday to balance the federal budget by trimming a few pennies from every dollar that the government spends. Yep, it's actually that easy. The predictable result: a 39-56 vote that probably overstates the popularity of Paul's proposal"how many would vote for it if they believed it actually had a chance of passing, one must wonder. read more

Sunday, September 22, 2024

In a surprising development, Russia has seemingly formed a mechanised battalion from the crew of its only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov. read more

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Morning Consult poll, conducted between Sept. 9 and 18, places Allred -- a moderate North Texas Democrat -- a point ahead of Cruz with likely voters, 45% to 44%. read more

Thursday, September 05, 2024

RT, or Russia Today is Russia's official propaganda and disinformation platform. Multiple countries stopped carrying the RT news channel after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, so Russia needed to find another way to disseminate state-sponsored propaganda. Tenet Media (known as "U.S. Company-1" in the indictment) is a right-leaning content creation company focusing on YouTube and social media. This company allegedly accepted $9.7 million dollars in funding from RT to parrot Russian talking points as directed by Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanassvia. read more


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