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And here's another recent article that concentrates on her foreign policy experience:

Kamala Harris would bring greater foreign policy experience than most new US presidents

A few things are certain: Harris represents significant generational change. She embraces the globalized outlook one might expect of a daughter of immigrants who spent part of her childhood in Canada. She will take office with a seasoned team around her. And other than Biden, Americans must go all the way back to George H.W. Bush in 1989 to find a president who would take office with more foreign affairs experience than her.

Vice presidential accomplishments

Other engagements were the diplomacy that consumes senior officials' calendars--trips to Mexico and Central America as part of her migration agenda, and a three-country trip to Africa fulfilling a White House pledge.

Attending a meeting is not, of course, the same as being the final decider on US foreign policy. But that experience--and the hours of meetings and study that go with it--sets Harris apart from the new presidents of the last three-plus decades.

Donald Trump had never represented his country to a foreign government before being elected. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush led international trade missions as governors. Barack Obama, like Harris, travelled occasionally during his four years in the Senate. But one would have to go all the way back to George H.W. Bush, who served as vice president, CIA director and a member of Congress, to find a president before Biden who began their first term with more experience than Harris.

Harris has a stable and well-respected foreign policy team in her role as vice president. Her national security adviser, Phil Gordon, and his deputy, Rebecca Lissner, are both experienced Washington hands who served in previous administrations. Both have published books that suggest a subtle shift away from an America that leads the world aggressively and alone.

Harris failed the entire scope of border problems, so regardless of what Biden tasked her with, nothing within the realm of root causes of border security was realized. So she failed. Plain and simple.

So much lying. I guess they can't help it.

The Vice President and the Administration have already taken action - notable accomplishments include:

*Addressing immediate humanitarian needs including vaccines. On April 26, Vice President Harris announced $310 million in urgent relief to help address the acute factors of migration, including from hurricanes, the pandemic, and drought caused by climate change. To date, we have allocated over $250 million of the total funds, reaching over two million people. We also provided over 10 million COVID vaccine doses to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

*Countering corruption and democratic backsliding. Vice President Harris has been direct and unwavering in highlighting the problems of corruption, the need for reforms, and the vital importance of demonstrating commitment to the rule of law, judicial independence, human rights, and a strong civil society - including during her bilateral meeting in Guatemala.

*Working with the Department of Justice, the Vice President launched an Anticorruption Task Force that will include U.S. prosecutors and law enforcement experts to investigate and prosecute corruption cases with a nexus in the United States and the region.

*Addressing security concerns of mutual interest. Vice President Harris launched Anti-Migrant Smuggling Task Forces in both Mexico and Guatemala and secured commitments to increase border enforcement. She reached an agreement with the Mexican government to restart the high-level dialogue focused on the trafficking of weapons and drugs.

*Internationalizing our efforts. The Vice President has said, "The United States cannot do this work alone." She has reached out to international partners to highlight the need for increased support for Central America and secured commitments from a number of countries. She successfully encouraged the United Nations to develop a regional Humanitarian Response Plan to mobilize international donor support for the region.

*Working with the private sector. On May 27, Vice President Harris launched a Call to Action for the private sector to make new commitments in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to expand economic opportunities. The initial group of 12 companies and organizations committed to helping over 13 million people, offered to provide $750 million in resources, and established a non-profit organization to support economic development efforts in the region " The Partnership for Central America. These initial commitments will provide financial services to small business owners, internet access and digital banking to rural communities, housing for low-income families, and reduced barriers to higher education. Since the launch, over 150 companies and organizations have expressed interest in joining the Call to Action.

Full report here:

As I've stated repeatedly, the efforts that Harris led were long term policy changes that would take years to manifest. They were never intended to immediately stem the ongoing crisis - however, parts of the project (like opening offices in foreign countries where locals wanting to immigrate could apply legally for entrance into the US without leaving their nation's borders) would have immediate effect, but never in numbers to alter the contemporary flow dramatically. That does not define a failure.

It's silly to focus on trying to rewrite the past and not on the terrible performance of Kamala. It doesn't matter what she was called so why erase that part of history? How did she perform?

False framing. First and foremost, Kamala did not perform "terribly" in her role. Her role was not to immediately fix the flow of border traffic, it was to find a long term solution for immigration through the "root cause" strategy articulated in detail in this thread's article.

Ignorant righties, like yourself, keep viewing the crisis as something Kamala alone was tasked to repair unilaterally, which was never her charge. But in no reality was the work Harris did in any way a failure.

Jason Marczak, vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council's Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, said it's unrealistic to expect quicker progress from the root-causes effort, as Harris herself warned when she took on the task. "The factors leading up to the migration from these three countries, they didn't start last year, two years ago, five or even 10 years ago -- they go back decades," Marczak said.

There's also the inherent difficulty of trying to work on root causes in countries where the government is not a particularly helpful partner, because of corruption, incompetence or both.

If it's too early to assess the effects of the root-causes strategy, it's not too early to see where Harris' efforts have made a mark, several advocates and analysts said.

Cecilia Muoz, a veteran political leader in the Latino political community, cited the establishment of "safe mobility centers" in Central and South America, starting in Guatemala, so that potential migrants can seek permission to enter the U.S. without making the treacherous, smuggler-led journey to the Mexico border.

"Setting up migration offices that involve multiple countries and multiple international organizations is an enormously complex exercise," said Muoz, who worked on immigration while serving as a domestic policy adviser in the Obama White House. "It is tremendously important to have a principal of the vice president's caliber leading the charge, engaging with heads of state, and managing the collaboration between the many federal agencies in the United States who need to be involved in that process."

That kind of high-level negotiation also helped secure more than $5 billion in regional investment from multinational companies like Apple and Starbucks, Muoz and some of the other analysts said. And while Harris' speech and the NBC interview got the most public scrutiny during her 2021 Guatemala trip, what some regional experts noticed was the vice president's itinerary there -- and how it reflected the expertise, if not the experience, she brought to the job.

"She made sure that she wasn't just meeting with the corrupt administration there," Marshall Fitz, managing director of immigration at the Emerson Collective, said of her trip. "She was also meeting directly with Indigenous women, engaging them, making sure she heard them and saw them. One of her niches is women's empowerment generally, and her understanding of migration is very much rooted in an understanding that if you've going to solve these migration challenges, women are going to be a big part of that because they're the backbones of these families."

Participants include Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and former congresswoman Gabby Giffords -- a gun violence prevention advocate whose husband, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, is said to be on Harris' shortlist for vice president.

Harris' husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, is also hitting the trail. Emhoff will appear at the Wausau Festival and lead a door-knocking event for Harris and Democrats in Stevens Point, Wisc.

The campaign has not said where Harris will be over the weekend. Harris' campaign said it would continue to target Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada and emphasize reaching out to young voters, Black voters, and Latino voters.

Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey and Nevada Sen. Jacky Rosen, two senators who are up for reelection this cycle, will be among those also making the case for Harris. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Gary Peters of Michigan will also be on the trail.

Democratic House members participating in the effort include Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost, Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal and Michigan Reps. Debbie Dingell and Hillary Scholten, a frontline Democrat in a swing district.

Harris is also utilizing major reproductive rights backers such as Planned Parenthood President & CEO Alexis McGill Johnson on the trail this weekend.

This is what a presidential campaign reaching the 100 days until election pole should look like when attempting to engage voters in the energy emanating from this unforeseen shift in candidates and the electorate's pent up frustration and scepticism - now being released as joy, optimism, and anticipation of a victory heretofore thought improbable due to the former nominee's limitations and actual lack of political stamina for confronting strong electoral headwinds of their own creation.

Curmudgeons like Carville can only react from what they've already seen occur in the past. There has been a shift in joy and momentum which needs to be ridden as far as it will take this campaign towards success on Election Day. You don't tell a candidate to tamper down the emotions and energy of its supporters as a campaign changes its leadership. You ride the wave for as long as it lasts while always being prepared to create your own momentum and fervor if the organic wave inevitably ends. One thing you don't do is tell all the excited people motivated by your candidacy to temper their positive energy and drive, ever.

@#9 ... I don't see a problem. ...

The problem , stated simply, seems to be that the GOP does not like the skin color of the people who want to help make the Country great.

Trump knows exactly what poisoning the blood of our country' meant (January 2024)

... Does it matter whether former president Donald Trump was consciously quoting Adolf Hitler when he said that undocumented immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country"?

Whether Trump cribbed the notion from Hitler or whether it was an original thought, a person has to draw from a putrid internal cesspool of hate to think it, much less say it. ...

@#17 ... Really easy solution to that. Just need those medical records! ...

Funny thing about that....

President Biden's Current Health Summary 2024

Trump has given no official info about his medical care

Trump doctor Harold Bornstein says bodyguard, lawyer 'raided' his office, took medical files (2018)

... In February 2017, a top White House aide who was Trump's longtime personal bodyguard, along with the top lawyer at the Trump Organization and a third man, showed up at the office of Trump's New York doctor without notice and took all the president's medical records.

The incident, which Dr. Harold Bornstein described as a "raid," took place two days after Bornstein told a newspaper that he had prescribed a hair growth medicine for the president for years.

In an exclusive interview in his Park Avenue office, Bornstein told NBC News that he felt "raped, frightened and sad" when Keith Schiller and another "large man" came to his office to collect the president's records on the morning of Feb. 3, 2017. At the time, Schiller, who had long worked as Trump's bodyguard, was serving as director of Oval Office operations at the White House.

"They must have been here for 25 or 30 minutes. It created a lot of chaos," said Bornstein, who described the incident as frightening.

A framed 8-by-10 photo of Bornstein and Trump that had been hanging on the wall in the waiting room now lies flat under a stack of papers on the top shelf of Bornstein's bookshelf. Bornstein said the men asked him to take it off the wall.

Bornstein said he was not given a form authorizing the release of the records and signed by the president known as a HIPAA release " which is a violation of patient privacy law. A person familiar with the matter said there was a letter to Bornstein from then-White House doctor Ronny Jackson, but didn't know if there was a release form attached. ...

@#6 ... Axios did, for starters. ...

Did Axios attribute that label to VP Harris?

Your current just posted a thread...

The link of that thread... ...
cites an Axios article...

Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign

In that Axios article is the statement...

... Driving the news: In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title -- which she never actually had. ...

So, the GOP is trying to argue, again?, against something that does not exist?

Democrats gave us the never ending stream of free roaming criminals. from illegal immigrant rapists to the scum that rob, shop lift and pillage and that shoot and kill.

More Robson projection I see. Regardless, one thing the Democrats don't do is nominate nor place into government service the types with questionable characters mentioned above like Trump or all those convicted who were once in his business and/or political circles:

Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.
Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump's former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump's former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump's former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.
Trump's former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
The Trump Organization's former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump's former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.
Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro's. He's currently awaiting sentencing.
And, of course, the former president's business was itself found guilty of tax fraud.

As the full meeting transcript makes clear, he was simply tapping Harris to work with foreign governments, businesses and local organizations on the "root causes" of migration from the "Northern Triangle" countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

"She was not in charge of what happened at the U.S.-Mexico border. She was not a border czar," Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, told HuffPost.

That doesn't mean Harris can - or should - avoid questions about Biden administration immigration policy. She has been a voice in the room. And given the positions she took before becoming vice president, it's entirely possible she would have taken a similar approach to the border had she, not Biden, been the ultimate decision maker.

A Harris win would keep a proponent of reform legislation in the White House, though her ability to deliver it would obviously depend on her negotiating skills and which party controls Congress. In the meantime, it's safe to assume Harris would likely use her executive authority over border enforcement by trying - as Biden did - to find some sort of middle path that blends tighter border controls with new methods for processing migrants. And she'd probably keep paying attention to root causes, in Central America and maybe beyond.

Such an approach certainly wouldn't solve the problems associated with immigration in a single year, or even a single presidential term. But considering immigration's complexity, and what's actually feasible as policy and politics today, Harris could make a credible case there's no better alternative.

The full article goes into fact-based details and comments from various experts invested in solving the immigration crisis and tells the stories, lessons-learned, and the public mistakes Harris made during the course of her educational journey taking her to various involved countries while personally interacting with stakeholders. One of the facts learned was that the immigrants' coming in great numbers today aren't coming from the same countries, nor for the same reasons as earlier waves, and there are record numbers of both women and children, exacerbating already strained resources in the US, Mexico and other countries their journey to America takes them through.

But whenever talking about immigration, everyone should remember this:

For most Democrats and at least some Republicans, the best policy response would be legislation simultaneously increasing security and increasing the capacity for processing migrants trying to enter legally -- and, in some fashion, dealing with the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the U.S.

Twice in the last decade, Congress has come close to passing such legislation on a bipartisan basis. Both times, anti-immigration Republicans killed it.

@#6 ... Vance worked with billionaire Peter Thiel one of the architects of Project 2025. ...

JD Vance Foreword in Project 2025 Leader's Book Raises Eyebrows

... Vice presidential candidate JD Vance writing the foreword in Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts' new book has raised eyebrows online. ...

On Wednesday, Roberts' book, Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, which is set to be published in September, started to gain traction on X, formerly Twitter, because its foreword was written by Vance, an Ohio senator and Trump's running mate.

Kyle Tharp, managing director of Courier Newsroom, a liberal news source, posted on Wednesday morning: "Wow. The architect of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, has a new book coming out in September about taking over Washington. JD Vance wrote the foreword." The post went viral, gaining 555,900 views by Wednesday afternoon.

Vance also left an editorial review on Amazon, writing: "Never before has a figure with Roberts's depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism... We are now all realizing that it's time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon." ...

From Aging, incoherent felon refuses to drop out of presidential race
With Biden's exit, we hope the purple parts of the country that couldn't trust the president's mental competency will now see the obvious truth about


Even putting aside Trump's deadly history of policy failure, sexual abuse or his 34 felony convictions " which, to be clear, we shouldn't " the former president, 78, has been borderline incomprehensible for years.

Consider his ambitious plans for missile defense: "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. ... They've only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out. Boom. OK. Missile launch. Woosh. Boom."

Or his suggestion that injecting disinfectant could fight COVID from within.

Or his mathematically dubious analysis of the job market during his Republican convention coronation speech: "107 percent of jobs are taken by illegal aliens."

We could go on.

One of the most effective presidents in modern history just dropped his reelection campaign over fears of cognitive decline. Polls suggest this was the correct choice " that Americans in crucial swing states no longer saw Biden as capable of realizing his promise of normalcy.

With Biden's exit, we hope those same parts of the country will remove the wool from their eyes to see the obvious truth about Trump.


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