The place we can gas bag about issues of the day.
Why do they keep asking if we will accept the election results?
Toyota Motor Corp. has joined the list of organizations in the United States that are refocusing their policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) following online backlash. The company last week sent a memo to its 5,000 US employees and 1,500 dealers stating that it will "narrow our community activities to align with STEM education and workforce readiness," Bloomberg reported. According to the report, the carmaker will also end its participation in the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index and other corporate culture surveys.
Democrats' nerves are at an all-time high. Two months ago " even a month ago " they were feeling bullish about Vice President Harris's prospects of defeating former President Trump. But now, with less than a month to go until Election Day, they're increasingly worried about a number of issues plaguing the Democratic nominee's campaign.
The continent of Antarctica is turning green so dramatically' that its entire future is in question, it's been warned. The Antarctic peninsula is warming faster than the global average, with extreme heat events happening more often, meaning the amount of vegetation there has ballooned. read more
It was never true then and it remains untrue now.
#116 | Posted by jpw
Look and see how many threads have over 100 posts in one day.
Hell, the Nooner would reach 100 almost everyday if all of us were posting on it.
We have kept you and truthhurts here all day posting...well?
Without us, hardly any post would get over 100 unless it was an election year post.
I have no doubt, no liberal wants to come here and talk to other liberals.