Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

"We are more likely to believe that housing is a human right' than conservatives in Florida or Texas, but less likely to actually get people housed. We accept a yawning gulf between our values and our outcomes." ... . "Politics always is part theater, but out West too often we settle for being performative rather than substantive." ... . "For example, as a gesture to support trans kids, Oregon took money from the tight education budget to put tampons in boys' restrooms in elementary schools " including boys' restrooms in kindergartens." ... "One of the passions of the left, drawing partly on Ibram X. Kendi's book How to Be an Antiracist,' has been that if a policy leads to racial inequity, then it's racist even if it wasn't meant to be. But by that standard, West Coast progressivism abounds in racism." read more


Evidence does not support your hypothesis that Harris was forced to hide her light under a bushel and that Democratic elites, including/especially Joe Biden, deliberately tried to sideline her.

I don't beleive it for second, but it is possible. There are some theories which are plausbile, and Biden's "Iammaquitting" speech generated more questions than answers.

For instance we know Pelosi was saying "Joe needs to figure out if he's running", when clearly Biden had been saying he's in it to win it.

Or the "we can do this the easy way or the hard way".

Biden really had no answers for his reasoning to exit.

The other flaw in your logic that Kamala "was selected to diversity (diversify?) the ticket and pull in votes" is that Biden won the nomination because of black voters. He didn't need to pick a black woman to get their votes; he already had them.

This is somewhat false.

Pressure Grows On Joe Biden To Pick A Black Woman As His Running Mate

In late April, more than 200 black women who are leaders and activists within the Democratic party signed an open letter to the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden calling on him to select a black woman as his running mate.

"It is a fact that the road to the White House is powered by Black women and Black women are the key to a Democratic victory in 2020," they wrote.


He better pick a Black woman': Biden faces Whitmer backlash

My guess, with no evidence other than payback, is it was a deal Bidean made with Clyburn for his support which launched him in the primiaries.

Just at guess.

Past three summers we have had air alert warnings due to wildfire smoke. The fires are well over a thousand miles away. Suppose it will be coming soon.

The town of Jasper, Alberta is currently burning.

Its what happens when you have 100 Million acres of dead wood still standing. If harvested within five years, the tree can be used for wood products, but Canada chose not too.

Not sure how the link in the thread has anything to do with the fires in the West.

Remember how the cl0wns in this forum pounced on us Gore voters when we suggested Hurricane Katrina was a preview of coming attractions?

It does? He did? Gore predicted the Beetle destruction to 100Million acres of forest, and Canada stood by and did nothing what a shame.

The head of the FBI seems to be alleging that their investigators have no had personal access to Trump - to visually assess his wound - nor to his detailed medical records - which would also assist in determining what precisely happened.
~ Tony

Did they need it?

A 3,000 FPS bullet passing by an ear feels like a missed punch. And if #45 was struck by the high-velocity round, he certainly didn't react to the immense pain that would have caused. From the video, #45 seems to be reacting to a sharp pain on his ear as if a horsefly bit him. And the sound of the gunfire comes after the rounds have struck, because a bullet travels faster than the speed of sound (Mach 1).


Poor assumptions.

My guess is it nicked him, per the image above it had pretty much the same trajectory before and after it hit him. He was mere millimeters from it actually piecing his ear.

If it was a bullet fragment/s rather than a bullet, how/why did it become a fragment/s? Did the bullet just explode in midair without contacting anything? Is that something that can happen?

See the image, looks intact.

Heres probably the reality Tony.

Biden appointed her BorderCzar, because he was getting slaughtered in the media, and she was complaining she wasn't doing any thing of substance.

Exasperation and dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris' frustrating start as vice president

So she accepted the role, then eventually realized the REAL problem and She said f-that its your problem, I'll just fight the "root causes", which you outline.

Then nothing ever came from it.

This is the same Kamala that said ICE is likened to the KKK.

She unfortunately didn't lead as leader should. She can redeem herself, but not by hiding from the past.

I see gaslighter is living up to his alias.

Did Axios attribute that label to VP Harris?
- Gaslighter

Yes, from the link above ...

Why it matters: The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.


Lumpers gotta Lump and Lamplighter's gotta gaslight.

I really don't understand the literal gaslighting over this, according to Lumpers the border was secure, she should run on being the Border Czar!

And quite frankly Harris is correct, ICE has the reputation of being the KKK.

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