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Thursday, March 20, 2025

In the fiscal year that ended in June 2024, after giving out 2 million parking tickets, the city collected about $110 million in parking fines. Meanwhile, according to Mejia's data, it was spending $88 million on parking enforcement expenses like salaries and equipment. But when the cost of pensions and other obligations and liabilities were added to the mix, that figure jumped to more than $176 million. A $65 million shortfall. A $65 million shortfall when the city is experiencing a significant budgetary crisis that it needs to address. read more

A pod of dolphins joined a fleet of recovery vessels inspecting the Crew-9's Dragon capsule, named Freedom, after it landed in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Tallahassee Florida at 5:57 p.m. EST. "Wow! We got a cute little pod of dolphins, not just one or two," SpaceX engineer Kate Tice said during the NASA-SpaceX webcast. read more

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belm. It aims to ease traffic to the city, which will host more than 50,000 people - including world leaders - at the conference in November. The state government touts the highway's "sustainable" credentials, but some locals and conservationists are outraged at the environmental impact. The Amazon plays a vital role in absorbing carbon for the world and providing biodiversity, and many say this deforestation contradicts the very purpose of a climate summit.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Of course, all that changed when inspiration struck Sinclair. "I'm not an expert in the food world," she admits, "but I just figured it was something interesting to put out there." Part of Sinclair's fascination with kale stems from the word "kale" itself " she likes words and how they sound, remarking that the whole endeavor "just seemed something nutty." "It wasn't as premeditated as some people would think," Sinclair says. "I'm not that orchestrated in my thoughts. I follow my passion."

The world has once again turned a blind eye to a horrific massacre of Christians. In less than 24 hours, over 340 Christians were slaughtered in Syria's coastal region by local Muslims. Yet, there have been no mass protests, no significant media coverage, and no action from the International Criminal Court (ICC). This sickening silence reveals a troubling pattern in how global institutions and the mainstream media selectively choose which atrocities deserve attention.


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