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Friday, October 18, 2024

An appendix detailing more about former President Donald Trump's alleged criminal attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election hit the public record on Friday. read more

Former President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled an appearance at an NRA event in Savannah, Georgia, fueling public concerns about his mental state. read more

New project from Mike Watt and others.

State education Superintendent Ryan Walters has been sued for his attempt to use Oklahoma schools to line Donald Trump's pockets. read more

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Kamala Harris is now in the lead among Generation X, Generation Z, millennials, baby boomers and the silent/greatest generations in a new poll. read more


The sin here is not that Kamala Harris had the good sense to reply, "No thank you, I'm previously engaged." The real scandal is that the good Catholic cardinal of the great city of New York would not have the courage to say, this year, that the current Republican candidate is a walking example of so much the Catholic Church finds repugnant in today's politics that he would suspend the normal invitations.

The real controversy is that an event that touts its history of raising funds for society's most needy is going to host someone who is one of the culture's greatest threats to that kind of caring. The real outrage is that Trump, given the public nature and extent of his repulsive record, should be invited to a fundraiser for an organization, Catholic Charities, that has long worked in the trenches to save and transform lives on society's farthest margins. It is tragic that the guest of honor this year will be someone whose personal example and policy wishes are in a collision course with the principles of Catholic social teaching.

We are triply disappointed, Cardinal Dolan, that in the name of the church and its witness to the wider culture, you did not suspend the norm this year and invite someone worthy of the event's cause. We are disappointed you didn't have the courage to stand up to Trump, a looming threat to the democratic ideals that allow the church to host such a high-profile public gathering.

National Catholic Reporter Editorial: Cardinal Dolan's 'Al Smith dinner' disappointment is misdirected

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