You spend most of your time biting ankles. That alone makes me smarter than you.
I posted this opinion piece because I viewed it as pretty balanced.
Your only response was a personal attack.
#5 | Posted by BellRinger
The last time California built a water reservoir was 1979. This state spends far more accommodating illegal immigrants that it does on forest and water management.
#6 | Posted by BellRinger
Someone has to fact check you because your idea of "Balanced" is completely Fact Free.
Well Jeff, California didn't have a major drought from the late 70's until about 2007. So there wasn't a huge need for a reservoir.
The new reservoir plan started in 1996 however. This isn't the 50's. The easy sources of water are all already tapped. So this one required a lot more planning.
So a new reservoir is insanely expensive, there are very few sites to build them, and there is huge competition for the water. It likely won't lower water prices.
In fact, the new potential sites are so rare, that the new reservoir IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ------- STATE. It would have NO effect on the wildfires.
Fact Checked into Oblivion Again. We done here?
Looks like it's slated for about 10 days from now?
#5 | Posted by lfthndthrds
Keep moving those dates...