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Friday, April 26, 2024

Quinta Jurecic: The explanation below is not meant as an endorsement of Bragg's legal theory, which has faced a wide array of criticism--some of it more careful than others. Trump has raised various challenges to the charges against him, all of which have failed so far but which he will likely raise on appeal if he is convicted. My goal here is just to set out the mechanics of the case as Bragg is prosecuting it. read more

Friday, March 29, 2024

A Texas appeals court on Thursday overturned the illegal voting conviction of Crystal Mason, who was given a five-year prison sentence for casting a provisional ballot in the 2016 election while on supervised release for federal tax evasion. read more


Curious about the source and reasoning for a candidate to receive "national security briefings," I turned to the googles; "presidential candidates receive national security briefings".

First result is a 2016 article on Salon. The article offered a link to this article, Intelligence Briefings for the Presidential Nominees, by a 33-year career CIA officer who served a senior level positions.

Seems the sitting president offers the candidates a one time deep overview of the national intelligence landscape not daily briefings, not "intelligence," not documents. But to give an appreciation of just what national intelligence really involves.

Given that reasoning, Biden should deny the Buffoon the courtesy. The Buffoon knows not just the national security landscape but many of the intimate details about which he has demonstrated that he doesn't give a s**t unless it serves his personal interests.

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