El Rey Dotardo II will get his recession in about six months. As far as 'engineering' the matter, it's like engineering a bar fight. In the end, it's a mess, lots of people are hurt, and no one wants to go back to that bar.
The problems with the Dotard's strategy include (1) US consumers and businesses will no longer trust this maniac, so spending will remain very low for an extended period, (2) no spending means no new jobs, which means many of the unemployed will be on the dole longer than normal, and once they run out of state benefits, spending will fall more and hardship and pain will grow, (3) our erstwhile foreign trading partners will avoid the US like they would a pile of dog droppings on the sidewalk, meaning less demand for any US products, from software to winter wheat, and (4) interest rates will certainly fall, as a function of lack of demand for capital. No one building or buying homes, no one buying a Maria Bartiromo model Dodge Ram, no one buying McDonald's value meal.
Just as a train wreck involves an engineer, the US economy will wreck soon enough, thanks to the engineer clowns now at the helm...
Wait. Is Leon saying he doesn't mean what he says, or doesn't understand what he is saying? Here's a quote to provide some guidance:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
--Abraham Lincoln