Can you believe the bob dole presidential campaign of 1996's webpage is still up and running? Contrast it's stances and plans to trumps presidency or even his 2024 campaign stances and plans. It horrible to see how far the GOP has fallen.
Christian groups, like World Relief, were an iatrical part of USAID's humanitarian efforts around the world. read more
Hey kids remember the pizza gate conspiracy theory qanon spent the entire 2016 campaign supporting? How about the d****** who took a gun into ping pong Pizza in Washington DC to free The Children hidden in a basement that didn't even exist? Well he's now dead. He was shot dead in North Carolina by law enforcement.
For the good of humanity Carter allowed himself to be exposed to far more radiation than any modern doctor would say was safe. Yet he lived passed the age of 100. This sounds like the start of a work of fiction but it really did happen. read more
Jimmy Carter, the earnest Georgia peanut farmer who as U.S. president brokered peace between Israel and Egypt and later received the Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work, died at his home in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday, the Carter Center said. He was 100. "My father was a hero, not only to me but to everyone who believes in peace, human rights, and unselfish love," said Chip Carter, the former president's son. read more
Investigate whoever leaked the information with the assumption that they did it intentionally.