Saturday, June 29, 2024

Colorado Passes First-in-Nation Law to Protect Thought Privacy

Telepathy and mind control is no longer limited to science fiction. Advances in artificial intelligence are driving medical breakthroughs that include devices capable of reading minds and even modifying brain function. Neurologist Sean Pauzauskie led the passage of Colorado's groundbreaking law to incorporate biological or brain data into the State Privacy Act, akin to how fingerprints are used for identification.


"Dr. Sean Pauzauskie, a Neurologist at UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital, says there are now about 30 neurotechnology devices for sale on the internet, including Emotiv, which he says is the first commercial-grade brain-to-computer interface, "Anything you want to do, you can move your computer with your mind, and you can control it with your mind using this device."

Pauzauskie says the technology is revolutionizing health care and enabling people who can't move or speak to communicate with just a thought or expression, "You could use this device to move the cursor to the letter that you wanted and then, if you wanted that letter, you could just smile and give the command to enter that."

Most of the devices sell for $200-$400 and work by peering into your brain and, in some cases, altering it.

Pauzauskie showed us a headband called Somnee, which has sensors that send small electrical pulses into the brain, "So, it is actually modulating and stimulating your brain to help you get a better night's sleep."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-29 10:10 AM

Is there no aluminum?

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-29 03:34 PM

Is there no aluminum?.....#2 | POSTED BY LEGALLYYOURDEAD

You can use tin-foil

#3 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-29 11:16 PM

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