Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sacramento SA to Target- Don't call police on thieves

The Target store in Land Park has been warned by the Sacramento City Attorney's Office that it could potentially face a public nuisance charge due to repeated thefts prompting calls to the police. The situation has sparked debate over the reliability of crime data and the impact of legal action against businesses reporting theft. State lawmakers have taken notice, and in response, have added an amendment to a retail theft bill to outlaw threats made by authorities against businesses that report crime. California Police Chiefs Association president Robert Davis has heavily criticized the potential nuisance charge, calling it "outrageous" to punish retailers for reporting legitimate crime.


But alleged warnings by city officials statewide may have consequences beyond this specific case, affecting how businesses report crime data. Target locations in Sacramento have seen a sharp increase in calls for service related to theft, robbery, and shoplifting in 2023. The lack of reliable data could make it difficult for law enforcement to track and address these incidents effectively.


The Target store in Land Park has been warned by the Sacramento City Attorney's Office that it could potentially face a public nuisance charge due to repeated thefts prompting calls to the police.

Reduce crime rates with this one weird trick!

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-10 12:10 PM

Reminds me of a story where a concerned resident posted a sign warning parents about homeless junkies leaving needles in playground sand. Parents were outraged and complained to their elected officials, who dealt with the issue by removing the sign.

Mission accomplished! Presumably those in charge gave themselves a pat on the back and took the rest of the afternoon off.

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-10 12:18 PM

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