Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Victim of Crime and a Threat to Democracy

Benjamin Wittes: In defense of our "grossly irresponsible talk."




In observing Trump's central role in the normalization of political violence in the United States, my point is not to blame the victim for his own attempted assassination. It is, however, to insist that cultivating a culture of political violence necessarily involves unleashing forces and permissions that one cannot contain to one's political enemies. A culture that at once tolerates the kind of violence Trump has encouraged and permits disaffected young men"for reasons political, ideational, or mental health-related"easy access to AR-15s is a culture that is going to have more political assassination attempts. We write a lot about political violence on Lawfare, and many others have sounded this warning as well. And while I never imagined that the politician on the business end of the AR-15 would be Trump himself, the fact that it has turned out to be so does not diminish the point.

. . .[I]t is possible to be at the same time a threat to democracy and a victim of a horrible crime. The fact that Trump has been shot emphatically does not mean that his behavior does not threaten American democracy--just as the fact that Huey Long, the populist governor of Louisiana in the 1930s, was assassinated did not acquit him of being a corrupt authoritarian. That Trump is also a corrupt authoritarian surely cannot justify his attempted assassination or any political violence, but just as surely, the fact that a person attempted his assassination does not nullify the threat he poses. The two facts must be allowed to coexist.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-16 02:20 PM

Yep... Trumpy was hoisted on his own petard, er, shot at with the gun his Party favors most.

("Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial.

The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown ("hoist", the past tense of "hoise") off the ground by his own bomb ("petard"), and indicates an ironic reversal or poetic justice." - wiki def for rwingers

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-16 03:17 PM

Meanwhile back at the Kremlin, Putin was delighted that Judge Cannon saved #45 with her incredible interpretation of the US Constitution, but was then horrified to see his protege almost get killed, Putin's best chance to divide NATO and isolate Ukraine. Too bad Putin can't send a FSB detail to the US to augment the USSS in order to protect his investment.

#3 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-16 03:39 PM

And, ladies and gentlemen, if the young assassin was successful, Putin too would have been "hoisted on his own petard," to wit: Putin's potential savior in the Ukraine War would have been murdered with the assault weapon of choice for the NRA, an organization the Kremlin secretly funded through the likes of Maria Butina (and others).


#4 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-16 03:54 PM


#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-16 04:38 PM

"Convicted Felon Involved in Drive-By Shooting"

#6 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-16 04:52 PM

Mob Boss Shot on Fifth Avenue

#7 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-16 04:56 PM

Amazing the crossroads that 21st-century America is approaching (again), strangely predicted by fiction writers over 60 years ago.

Joseph Condon's 1959 novel "The Manchurian Candidate" predicted a foreign power planting a nefarious agent at the apex of the US political system. I recommend reading the book; however, the film adaptation by John Frankenheimer is excellent and will save you time. The music and cinematography are splendid. This Frank Sinatra movie was also the first to demonstrate karate in a Hollywood movie (as opposed to judo or ju-jitsu; James Cagney had that honor two decades earlier in 1945 with "Blood on the Sun").

Moreover, exactly two months before JFK was assassinated, a TV show called the "Outer Limits" aired an episode where a foreign power switches in a perfect doppleganger to replace the VPOTUS.

So, here we are in the 21st century and the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation, Robert Mueller, and Jack Smith (so far) were unsuccessful in neutralizing the foreign threat to America's democracy. The net results of Congress's two impeachments of "45" seem to be pyrrhic victories for the historical record.

America, quo vadis?


#8 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-16 06:14 PM

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