Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Know Why Border Migration Has Slowed? the LA Declaration

Vice President Kamala Harris has supported bipartisan border security solutions and has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to working with regional partners to address the root causes of irregular migration. The current administration's focus evolved to leading a hemisphere-wide effort to mitigate, manage, and order migration through creating and adopting the landmark Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection alongside 21 partners from across the region - notably the first time such a hemispheric-wide agreement directly involved the United States and Canada.



These layered efforts to mitigate, manage, and order migration have, in recent months, led to fewer encounters between ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border than there were in 2019 during the comparable time period.

From 2014 to 2020, increases in irregular migration to the United States were driven primarily by displacement from the Northern Triangle countries; migration was again on the rise in early 2021 as countries came out of peak pandemic shutdowns. As a result, the Biden-Harris administration focused its initial efforts there. Saddled with deeply unreliable partner governments in all three countries, Vice President Harris chose to emphasize cooperation with civil society and the private sector through the creation of the Partnership for Central America (PCA).

Under the LA declaration, the Biden-Harris administration has secured unprecedented cooperation to curb irregular migration. Today, for example, Mexico is doing more to stem irregular migration to the United States than it has ever done before. The administration also created alternatives to irregular migration so that individuals fleeing Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela - the primary sources of instability in the hemisphere - could come to the United States in a sponsored, orderly fashion and be able to legally work shortly after arrival so as to contribute to U.S. prosperity and enhance stability in their home countries without delay.

Critically, the LA declaration built on successful migrant integration efforts in Latin America and spurred multiple countries to create new temporary legal status programs for migrants in order to stabilize these populations and to provide an alternative to migrating further. In May 2024, countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, and Costa Rica at the third ministerial meeting on the LA declaration announced regularization programs for various irregular migrant populations - building on the nearly 2 million Venezuelans who had already been provided status in Colombia alone. Today, more than 80 percent of those displaced in Latin America and the Caribbean have found a home in the region and have not proceeded to the U.S.-Mexico border.

If you don't know the reason Kamala Harris acted incredulous when questioned by dipskew Lester Holt as to whether she'd visited the Southern border, THIS is the reason why. She was never charged with going to the Southern border nor directly trying to secure it. That is the Director of Homeland Security's job, not hers.

What she was charged with doing has been an unquestioned success as the number of migrants showing up at our Southern border has slowed to numbers not seen since early in the Trump Administration, long before Covid accelerated migration. Here's the receipts and the direct evidence that the US has never had open borders and certainly doesn't have them now. There are no hoards of people trying to enter America at this moment, whether they be asylum seekers or simply people wanting to enter outside the system.

In fact, we're seeing the greatest multi-nation coordinated efforts to address migration comprehensively, even though the Republicans in Congress refuse to join the party in lieu of allowing Trump to demagogue that everyone thinks they know about illegal immigration that has already been successfully addressed due to the LA declarations.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-17 08:35 PM

Lawncare-Kamala is now tough on immigration.... and no tax on tips... Next thing you know she'll be handing out blue MAGA hats.

#2 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-09-19 01:27 PM

Lawncare-Kamala is now tough on immigration.... and no tax on tips... Next thing you know she'll be handing out blue MAGA hats.

#2 | Posted by lfthndthrds

And Republicans vote against securing the border and now Trump proposes capping credit card interest rates.

So you are an Open Borders Communist now?


#3 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-09-19 04:18 PM

And Republicans vote against securing the border

#3 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-09-19 04:18 PM | Reply | Flag:

Republicans voted against everything else in the bill. Quit being a dumbass, you know this.

bUh rEpUbLiCaNs ArE aGaiNsT IVF...

#4 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-09-19 04:46 PM

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