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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

You know the stereotype of the NPR listener: an EV-driving, Wordle-playing, tote bag"carrying coastal elite. It doesn't precisely describe me, but it's not far off. I'm Sarah Lawrence"educated, was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother, I drive a Subaru, and Spotify says my listening habits are most similar to people in Berkeley. I fit the NPR mold. I'll cop to that. So when I got a job here 25 years ago, I never looked back. As a senior editor on the business desk where news is always breaking, we've covered upheavals in the workplace, supermarket prices, social media, and AI. It's true NPR has always had a liberal bent, but during most of my tenure here, an open-minded, curious culture prevailed. We were nerdy, but not knee-jerk, activist, or scolding. In recent years, however, that has changed. Today, those who listen to NPR or read its coverage online find something different: the distilled worldview of a very small segment of the U.S. population

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Two of the most interesting things ever to happen in American politics happened in the past few years. A Democratic presidential campaign, representing the incumbent party, fabricated evidence that its Republican opponent and the eventual president-elect was a Russian agent, and the in-power party's FBI legitimated the evidence in the eyes of the media so it would be widely reported and believed by the public. To make sure it was believed, top intelligence officials of the outgoing administration went on cable television to call the new president a Russian mole and Vladimir Putin his case officer. read more

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told CNN on Monday that President Biden is a greater "threat to democracy" than Donald Trump. "I can make the argument that President Biden is much worse," Kennedy said. "And the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponent." "The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns but a President of the United States who will use the power of his office to force the social media companies Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, CIA, the IRS, the NIH, to censor his political critics," he added.

Christine Blasey Ford is promoting her new memoir to acclaim from certain quarters, including a glowing review by the New York Times. Meanwhile, the man she accused of being a witness to her alleged sexual assault by now-Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh more than 40 years ago can't get his own book reviewed or even mentioned by mainstream newspapers. You know me. I can't resist flipping over a cow paddy to see what's underneath. Ford, you'll recall, is the California psychologist with two front doors in her house who, in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018, accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her at a high-school-era party while another boy, Mark Judge, allegedly stood by. read more

Saturday, March 30, 2024

CARL CANNON: We all remember when COVID-19 came roaring out of China in the autumn of 2019. It made its way around the globe in a matter of weeks; it was really highly contagious and very dangerous to immune-compromised people and the elderly. There wasn't a family in America that wasn't affected by it. In my family, my sister and her husband lost their jobs. My brother lost his life savings and his livelihood and his bar, his restaurant. Another brother-in-law lost his life. He was a physician on the front lines. This was a serious thing that was faced by every government in the world, and every government had to face it. In the United States, those running point were three longtime public health officials. You know their names: Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins.


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