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Friday, July 12, 2024

It also requires the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to put together a report that considers ways to simplify and shorten the environmental review process for such reactors. Supporters say the legislation is a big deal for the nuclear power sector, and will help bring more of the climate-friendly, albeit controversial, power source online. read more

Friday, July 05, 2024

CNN " When the 46th President of the United States took the debate stage a week ago, it became apparent, even from his first answer, that this would not be the performance he hoped for. For me as a brain specialist, it was concerning to watch President Joe Biden, and it quickly became clear that I was not alone in my reaction. Over the past week, I received more than a dozen calls, texts and emails from medical colleagues who, like me, specialize in the brain. It wasn't that what we noticed was necessarily new but that it was particularly pronounced, and right from the start of the debate. From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned with his confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression

Thursday, July 04, 2024

A Washington Post-George Mason University poll released this week contains good news and bad news for the Biden campaign. First, it shows that Biden has made substantial progress in convincing voters that democracy is indeed on the ballot. The survey of voters in swing states found that 61 percent say "threats to democracy" are extremely important to them. Unfortunately for Biden, this same poll shows he is failing to persuade people that voting for him is the best way to preserve and/or improve democracy. Forty-four percent of surveyed voters in those states say that they believe Trump is best equipped to deal with threats to democracy, compared with only 33 percent who favor Biden to do so. The news gets worse for Biden if we focus just on "undecided" voters

Monday, July 01, 2024

They've deceived and gaslit us for four years, all in the name of democracy.' That collapsed Thursday.
There is something fitting about the disarray in which the Democratic Party finds itself, a fearful symmetry in the now-fraught relationship between President Biden and panicking friends and colleagues.

Mr. Biden succeeded because he made toeing the party line his life's work. Like all politicians whose egos dwarf their talents, he ascended the greasy pole by slavishly following his party wherever it led

Sunday, June 23, 2024

If there was any doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was a corrupt law enforcement official who abuses his office to prosecute his political enemies and protect his allies, it was eliminated Thursday when his office dismissed trespassing charges against 30 anti-Israel protesters who had been arrested after occupying a building on the campus of Columbia University. On the morning of April 30, the protesters, who had already been camping illegally on campus for two weeks, smashed a window on the first floor of the university's Hamilton Hall, unlocked the door, illegally entered the building, covered the security cameras, and then used wooden tables, chairs, zip ties, and metal chains to barricade themselves inside. Several custodial staffers were trapped inside, too, but they were eventually released. read more



Penn currently has 31 women on their swim team:


This was Penn's women's swim schedule fir 2022:


I count 14 matches NOT counting end of season tourney stuff.

Now, swimming has athletes who only compete in certain events and certain stroke types - so saying all of the team competed against Thomas isn't accurate. But the entire team was forced to share a locker room with Thomas. And any facility where both colleges shared one locker room, they ALL were required to share space with Thomas. And of those 14 matches, (not counting the end of season stuff) women from every other attending college were forced to compete against Thomas in the events Thomas swam. Even doing some fuzzy math, that is a LOT of women who were forced to compete against and/or forced to share a locker room with Thomas.

You are smart enough to recognize all of this, so why are you going with this take?

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