" d intent to commit another crime"
How can any defense adequately prepare for trial if they aren't informed what "another crime" is?
They can't and it's one of the factors that I believe will result from the ruling being overturned on appeal.
You got every bit as nasty with m3 when Colorado tried to remove Trump from the ballot. You used all of the same personal attacks when I challenged it then. Guess what happened? SCOTUS shot it down 9-0. You really should consider humility. You got your ass spanked on that one. If this case ever does go to appeal (sentencing has been postponed indefinitely) I will merilously rub your POS face in it when it's overturned which I believe to be the extremely likely outcome.
I like the message and the tone. Having said that blustery words are just that. He will have to get congressional approval for even a very limited military strike. This is t defensive.