Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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So many try to make this complicated, but it isn't.

Interesting (but obvious) fact: America does not, and has not ever, supported Hamas. The same cannot be said for Israel.

Nevertheless, America is the only country (except, perhaps, some lukewarm and shrinking support from England) that arms and finances and diplomatically shields Israel from all repercussions from their 3/4 century long reign of terror in the region. And now it is allowing and abetting Israel in its perpetration of wholesale murder and Genocide.

It is this one decision by the Biden administration that disgusts and infuriates a politically key block of voters, and most of them are not Muslim, Arab, or even Palestinian.

None of these voters think that factoring in Hamas' most recent violent resistance to a decades-long oppression makes Israel's complete destruction of Gaza, or American support of it, legally or morally justifiable.

The only perspective that matters is that of the voters in swing states (like Michigan) who care deeply enough about something to stay home or vote for another party, and right now that thing is not supporting Israel's Genocide against the Palestinians.

If Biden doesn't figure that out he'll loose this election. HE WILL LOSE. "Trump is worse" doesn't work when you think the current situation is a genocide and Biden is bankrolling it and sending weapons to enable it. People will take their chances with a hypothetical future rather than support the continuation of a unfathomably despicable present.

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