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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's support in Pennsylvania ahead of Election Day is "astonishing," according to Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA). "And anybody spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity," the Democrat said. "It's astonishing. I was doing an event in Indiana County " very, very red. And there was a superstore of Trump stuff, and it was a hundred feet long, and it was dozens of T-shirts and hats and bumper stickers and all kinds of, I mean, it's like, Where does this all come from? It's the kind of thing that has taken on its own life." read more


#14. Gracie... The governor of Florida is a competent doer and supports the Bill of Rights. Unlike the lazy Biden and Harris, he actually thinks, works hard and takes care of his state. No one is less tolerant of opinions of others and more hateful than the left of 2024. Biden cant even talk without his speech quivering in anger. The anarchists have graduated to assassination this year. But with all their hate tread carefully with the left and TDS. It has been that way since Trump challenged the establishment and Hillary and then we saw double standards in everything. Most might want to be careful and wary of the left with multiple left wing signs in their yard. I never thought I would say this in our great civilized nation but be prepared to protect and defend your family and self from invaders, criminals and hateful anarchists like ANTIFA. Until the Democrats brought their intentional national divide we had a great unified nation.

Im in PA and I kinda like our boring mostly mild 4 season weather and love where I've lived many yrs with independent like minded neighbors. Beautiful leaves and trees now. But dont anyone migrate here unless you have a history of civility. But I like FL too. Have friends that love it there. I'd like to see DeSantis in White House at some point. The Dems are disturbing and frustrating just as with your kids or relatives that do stupid stuff. It doesn't scare me that Democrats have grown to be so radical and stupid as sheep followers that simply have zero ability to think independently. Everything they claim or say about others absurdly mostly applies to them. They want us hating each other.

The good thing in America now is that young men are learning to grow up as men and forget everything the leftists have ever tried to use to contaminate their mind. Trump has been effective.

If Kamala is elected be assured that Americans will rue the day. The crime crazed, sex trafficking illegals all need sent to Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala communities and every sanctuary city. In controlled unassimilable numbers many may be OK but we can't know except that Kamala and Biden brought them in by millions when they do not belong here. The Democrats as always have a priority to make their crony NGOs and hotel owners very rich on your dime.

Simply let those responsible for this coming abundant crime and destruction wave of our civilization live in the crime filled 3rd world hell hole like they are creating for all the USA. Those who vote for Kamala only prove their politics are incapable of helping their own civilization. We need those politicians and voters responsible for this invasion to be paying for and living in their communities and schools. The next major step for USA citizens in the USA if crime goes rampant will be self preservation with any means necessary and that is when the Dems and leftists will rue the day. When citizens wake up they will want to know who voted for this. Perhaps every house with a Kamala sign needs identified as a political collaborator that killed destroyed people and country, kind of like the Jewish people used to identify their enemies post Holocaust WW2.

Obviously Kamala the phony, and the country destroying leftists are compassionate but only for invading criminals, sex traffickers, rapists, and drug cartels just like the loser DAs in California and Chicago and NYC. Most Americans (85%) want invaders deported en masse. Non trickle unassimilated immigration from a culturally different third world will likely create worse than a third world, because in large numbers it creates cultural friction. That is why we have border and entry control.

Hey Ive already voted for Trump. He's not perfect but Kamala the clueless one that talks like a sixth grader running for student council was not an option. She is the true danger that gross incompetence represents.

I like Trumps candor and ability to push though the many years of vicious attacks from an establishment Deep State that has already demonstrated many years of self serving lies and false wars and many years of importing cheap labor that they hate all average Americans. The establishment is represented by a cabal of corruption and corrupt fools on both sides. Trump is trying to break their destructive mold. Trump is the first in many years to take on the OLD ORDER and the old order is represented by those like MSM, Bushes and Obama and Kelly, and many others who have profited and that now hate him for rocking their yacht and boat. Fortunately there are still individuals that put their beliefs such as freedom and Constitution and a strong country and our legacy culture above foreign interests and a pathway to money and power. I'm not claiming Trump is pure and but he at least is trying to change the rot in government.

The ol order has demonstrated they is incapable of fixing anything. Look at infrastructure or Border. Look at Vietnam, Iraq, Ukraine, even not holding China accountable for COVID and our trillions in debt. Perhaps they were involved? Yes Trump had some responsibility in the debt too with a tax cut that failed to demand that corporations that got it must build and produce in USA. And I'm sick of hearing about Israel and the Middle East too and Ukraine too. If they make problems for themselves they need to pay to fix them. Not us. Wars make money for the old order.

Oh and I wish Trump would shut up about Jack Smith. Focus on fixing America not individuals. Kamala is incapable of doing anything.

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