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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Four major nonprofits that rose to prominence during the coronavirus pandemic by capitalizing on the spread of medical misinformation collectively gained more than $118 million between 2020 and 2022, enabling the organizations ... read more

Steve Benen: The GOP's star witness in the House Republicans' impeachment crusade against President Joe Biden "admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about" Hunter Biden. Dem. Rep. Dan Goldman noted via social media that the "only remaining question" is whether GOP lawmakers "were witting or unwitting agents" of the Russian government. read more

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

David Kurtz (TPM): Everywhere you turn, it's Russia either helping Trump directly or indirectly by damaging Trump's foes. The pattern is clear and persistent but also so sweeping and far-reaching that it really requires taking a step back to grasp the full scope of it all. All those breathless Biden impeachment process stories? They're an outgrowth of this disinformation campaign. read more

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Steve Benen: Today's ruling completes a fraud trifecta of sorts. Trump's "university" proved to be a fraudulent operation, and was required to pay $25 million to his former "students." Trump's charitable foundation proved to be a fraudulent operation, which was forced to close its doors, and which led to a $2 million judgment. And now the former president's business has been found to have committed repeated acts of fraud, too. read more


"These groups gave jet fuel to misinformation at a crucial time in the pandemic," Arthur Caplan, head of the division of medical ethics at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, said. "The richer they get, the worse off the public is because, indisputably, they're spouting dangerous nonsense that kills people."

The influx of pandemic cash sent executive compensation soaring, boosted public outreach, and seeded the ability to wage legislative and legal battles to weaken vaccine requirements and defend physicians accused of spreading misinformation.

"These groups gave jet fuel to misinformation at a crucial time in the pandemic," Caplan said. "The richer they get, the worse off the public is because, indisputably, they're spouting dangerous nonsense that kills people."

Some doctors following guidance by Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance or America's Frontline Doctors have been disciplined or face the possibility of discipline from state medical boards alleging substandard medical care. In cases involving two doctors alleged to have followed Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance guidance, three patients died.

Public health experts, including Caplan, worry that the well-funded anti-science movement could lead to devastating long-term public health consequences if childhood diseases once vanquished by vaccines come roaring back.

This is not how national public health policy should work in a scientific evidence-based society. Anti-science's ascendency during the presidency of an anti-intellectual is literally killing Americans for no reason whatsoever but for those who cling to the ignorant canard that their own beliefs are just as viable as scientifically-derived facts and medicines.

The implications of this Russian operation are staggering, especially for the willing Republicans and right-wing media stooges who were the useful idiots propagating the disinformation for years. The James Comers, Chuck Grassleys, Jim Jordans of the world have been trafficking in this stuff as the purported basis for a Biden impeachment, which is itself tightly yoked to Trump's campaign for re-election. Right-wing outlets, most notably Fox News, have been amplifying the claims not dozens or hundreds but thousands of times over the past several months.

It has dominated right-wing media, become an accepted "fact" among MAGA adherents, and allowed elected Republicans to play mainstream media like a cheap fiddle.

We're nearly a decade into Putin's sustained, unrelenting attack on American democracy through misinformation and mischief. Among other things, the Republican Party and its standard bearer have been successfully enmeshed in it and thoroughly compromised. When this all began, Putin in his wildest imagination could not have conceived of this level of success.

This is why we have MAGAts and GOPers still proclaiming that Russian involvement in supporting Trump and destabilizing American politics is actually fake news. Russia started their targeted influence campaign over a decade ago, and it's continuing unabated - now led by Republicans in Congress only happy to use Russian disinformation in their attempt to besmirch Joe Biden for things that he never did.

Calling MAGAts Putin sympathizers doesn't begin to scratch the surface of their willing complicity in placing Russia's interests over those of the American people. It's past time to shine the light of truth on all the Republicans and insurrectionists blindly denying Russia's non-stop role in subverting our democracy and destabilizing the globe by allowing Russia treachery to go insufficiently answered.

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