"Saving face" is part of it. But you'll notice that a lot of Trump's lifetime of lying is to cover up his insecurity about himself. That's why he uses expressions like "the best" or "the most" the world has ever seen. Trump, on his own, is basically a very pitiful, insecure person who constantly needs to build himself up with lies and surround himself with sycophants. It's also why he resorts to derogatory name calling and false accusations to anybody he considers a threat to that vulnerable bubble of strength he builds around himself, i.e. "strongman."
To anyone who recognizes these textbook symptoms, it's a dead give away.
Insecurity is Trump's deep, dark secret and also his Achillies heel.
Trump (and the GOP) are still punishing America for 2020. It sent their mission back four torturous years of impotence. Now they have to double time it to teach those who voted for Biden that resistance is futile. Now the GOP is large and in charge and liberals (and anybody else who threw Trump to the curb in 2020) is going to feel the pain . . . where it hurts the most.