As I said before. With budget negotiations already underway for a vote in March, Trump is in a bad spot. He's desperate to offset that tax break for the wealthy people who invested in his election. They're demanding a return on that investment.
Every spending cut Trump is making is because of that and he doesn't care who or how many he has to hurt to get it. Not to mention that his tariff scheme is losing ground and some of his other big ticket cuts is running into resistance from the federal courts.
And then there's the mid-terms to worry about and Trump's slim margins in both the House and Senate are on shaky ground.
What you're seeing before your eyes is Trump running out of time to keep that promised tax cut in the budget and in the process of slowly unraveling.
Not to dwell too long on the obvious but wasn't it Joseph Goebbels who said, "If you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it's true." (or something along those lines)
And isn't also said that the bigger lie the easier it is to believe? (Like the ones he told to get elected.