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Friday, June 28, 2024

There was only one question on the minds of Democrats as they awoke Friday after what many of them judged as the worst performance by a presidential candidate in the modern history of politics: Can President Biden recover? Other presidents have stumbled in debates, but none quite like what happened to Biden on Thursday night. His overriding goal was to dispel doubts that he is too old and too frail to lead the country for another four years. Instead, he reinforced those doubts " and in a forum, the first debate hosted by CNN and broadcast seemingly everywhere, that could be the single most-watched event of the 2024 campaign. read more

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A convicted felon somehow continues to defy the odds that Democrats had hoped would destroy him by leading +1.5 in aggregate polling. This should worry Democrats on the eve of the first of two debates coming tomorrow. While Democrats had hoped the label of "convicted felon" would subdue the lead Trump has maintained for months, it continues to appear that no one cares.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trump made the comment on Monday via Truth Social, his proprietary social media platform. "DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN???" Trump wrote in all capital letters. "I WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!!" - DONALD The Trump team has made the hypothetical use of drugs at Thursday's CNN Presidential Debate, a prominent talking point " continuing the former president's longstanding claim that Biden is unable to speak for long periods of time without medication read more

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., became the first member of the progressive group of House lawmakers known as "the squad" to lose a primary challenge in the 2024 cycle on Tuesday night ... read more

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Two climate activists have been arrested at Stonehenge in England after spraying orange paint on the well-known historic landmark. The group Just Stop Oil took credit for the Wednesday action, which they said was a call on the United Kingdom to stop the use of fossil fuels by 2030. "Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions. We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything," Just Stop Oil said in a press release


Hey Rcade, again what I'm about to say is something you and a few of the others need to hear. You might not like it, but you guys are completely missing the political winds around us and the mood of the people. Just look to our brethren in Europe, the right is on the march.

No one except the Democrat Party and a few independents care about Trump's convictions in NYC (I know you all do) but the rest of America doesn't. The Left's plan was to tar and feather Trump with criminal proceedings in the hope it would destroy him. However, two things have occurred that you guys miscalculated on.

1) Trump is a mud monster, the ---- you guys have thrown at other politicians doesn't work with him (It's why last year when you idiots raided Mar-a-lago I told you it was a fools errand and would backfire). It clearly has.

2) The wildcard Coup de grace however came last week. The Republicans had been pointing out that Biden wasn't all there and wondering who was actually running the show. Biden's performance forced the media to finally acknowledge the truth that he isn't all there. The public now has seen that the Emperor is wearing no clothes.

If you guys would have left Trump alone, focused on the kitchen table issues such as taming inflation Trump would have disappeared (again the only way to isolate someone like that is to ignore him) and inflation may have been more under control. But you all allowed your TDS to get the better of you, and now thanks to your own Party's idiocy on both fronts ... Trump will be returning to the White House. As the old adage goes, the best laid plans go to waste.

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