1. Sell your soul to status quo and an establishment that has seen decline in American middle class, life expectancy, safety, public school education, and exceptionalism in USA ever since China Covid creation and hijacking and death of millions of people world wide.
That's a pretty spot on description for Deplorable Trumping MAGAts.
2. Be independent and open minded in thought and ideology and leave the party of weird and abnormality.
The Republican Party strives for homogeny.
They're the party of the white christian cisgender male. White Christian cisgender females are allowed as well. As long as they shut up and know their place. (It's in the kitchen)
The Republican Party has no room for independence or open mindedness, which is why they're constantly banning and burning books. That's why they had public education. It's what makes them homophobic and xenophobic and transphobic. It's the reason why they're scared of rainbows and change and inclusivity and equality.
The Republican Party is a cult.
Pay your tire to your orange God and die quietly in the gutter.
Yav, take one for the team and bang BullJohnson.
He needs it.