Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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The car antenna myth has been debunked; the antenna will likely get you killed.


Check it out if you want to laugh your ass off, e.g., exerpt-

Although we instinctively realized this fact we remained determined to find the amount of time and the level of force required to remove the antenna. To create the additional time required the defender throws his wedding ring at the attackers face as a distraction and then aggressively attacks, shoving his attacker to create distance. He lunges to grab the antenna while the aggressor is temporarily stunned and stalling to give him some additional time. The defender forcefully grabs the antenna with 2 hands and frantically pulls it in 2 directions with no result, the antenna was just too flexible. The attacker could not stall any longer and attacked. During the last moments of the defenders life he attempts one last time to tear the antenna from its roots with such force it caused the antenna to assume an "S" shape. It was at this time the defender gets thrown to the ground and is brutally stabbed in the face multiple times.

Drudge Retort

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