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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This Country is so messed up it's not even funny anymore.

Poor guy. He needed a nappy.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Same as it ever was.



Forcibly outing trans kids is dangerous
OPINION: When schools are required to disclose a child's trans identity, they prioritize parents over students' well-being


Many parents may hope their children will come to them first with questions about gender and sexuality. But not every child has that option. Youth who are transgender face a real risk of rejection by the adults who are supposed to care for them when they disclose their gender identity. Trans people are much more likely to be abused by their immediate family based on their gender identity, and high risks of abuse and family rejection mean trans youth are overrepresented in foster care homes, juvenile detention centers, and homeless shelters. These high rates of familial rejection and abuse dramatically increase the risks of suicidality, substance abuse, and depression. Not every child can be their true selves at home without risking their physical or emotional well-being.


Ruling is an outlier that embraced a longshot theory
The ruling from Cannon is an outlier that embraced a longshot legal theory that plenty of other judges have already rejected during previous special counsel investigations.

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, attempted earlier this year to throw out his criminal cases based on the same theory that Trump brought before Cannon. (He is being prosecuted by a separate special counsel, David Weiss.) Federal judges in California and Delaware rebuffed his arguments, and federal appeals courts in both jurisdictions refused to get involved.

And during the Trump-Russia investigation, multiple Trump allies similarly attempted to derail special counsel Robert Mueller's work. But multiple federal judges in Virginia and Washington, DC, upheld Mueller's appointment.

Still, with all this history, Cannon held a hearing on the issue several weeks ago, pushing attorneys to explain exactly how Smith's investigation into Trump was being funded.


On January 9, 2023, CBS News[1] reported that attorneys for U.S. President Joe Biden discovered classified government documents in his former office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., and in his personal residence in Wilmington, Delaware, dating to his time in the United States Senate and his vice presidency in the Obama administration.[2][3][4] The number of documents was later revealed to be between 25 and 30. By June 2023, classified documents from Biden's Senate tenure were discovered in materials donated to the University of Delaware.[5][6]

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