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Thursday, December 05, 2024

Clay Wirestone: The Legislature, emboldened by larger supermajorities than its previous sessions, now has kind of power it hasn't enjoyed since 2012, when Republican Gov. Sam Brownback passed his tax "experiment." read more



Election reform-minded Democrats are also hobbled by their party's recent history. When they had opportunities during President Barack Obama's first two years in office to significantly alter the American campaign finance structure through legislation, they didn't.

And in a twist that's infuriated acolytes of Sen. Bernie Sanders, among others, Democrats are following Republicans' lead by raising millions of dollars in so-called "dark money" contributions, the origins of which are largely untraceable.


Wait a minute
As the White House Historical Association points out, most of the over 22,000 presidential clemency cases granted since 1900 have been "all but anonymous."

But a president pardoning his son is sure to make headlines, especially given the amount of space Hunter Biden's actions take up in the contemporary political imagination. In Lincoln's time, Emilie Todd Helm's pardon was just as controversial, as she firmly supported the Confederacy, even after Lincoln legally absolved her.

If media accounts from the day are to be believed, her pardon left a bad taste in his supporters' mouths. And while President Biden risks doing the same in pardoning his son now, he's simply doing what Lincoln and several other presidents have done. It's the ugly side of that power " unchallengeable, broad and unlimited " but one we must tolerate if we are to trust the office of president

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