Clay Wirestone: The Legislature, emboldened by larger supermajorities than its previous sessions, now has kind of power it hasn't enjoyed since 2012, when Republican Gov. Sam Brownback passed his tax "experiment." read more
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Clay Wirestone: The Legislature, emboldened by larger supermajorities than its previous sessions, now has kind of power it hasn't enjoyed since 2012, when Republican Gov. Sam Brownback passed his tax "experiment." read more Comments
Is it correct?
Would you be less concerned or upset with hearing Muslim call to prayer all day than you would hearing Christian singing or whatever blasted over the speakers for all to hear?
Can you just answer the question?
Just yes or no.
Would you be more inclined to accept hearing Muslim's worshipping than Christians in your daily life?
Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-12-18 10:09 PM | Reply
I could care less. Neither affects me on a personal basis. So no I wouldn't care. Have at it. It's no different than hearing the bands playing at the Kansas State Fair from my vantage point.