DEI as a figure of speech is highly disturbing because fundamentally it means favoritism for some, racism against others, and over politicizing everything and everyone. Most vile of all it represents encouragement to hate those not fully politically indoctrinated by the leftwing and wokeness. Examine the incompetent inept crime infested leadership of every Democrat run city and state you always see DEI in action. They cant think past blind efficiency because their every thought is political. They cant prevent terrorism and crime because they can't offend their base. The left adores DEI and favoritism as it requires kneeling to and kissing the axx of leftwing politics. Demographic color blindness, blind meritocracy, or advancement based on the brightest and most capable doesn't exist in their world.of a blind meritocracy.
New Orleans and this recent tragic terrorist event IMHO are examples of such failed incompetent leadership where they failed to do basic perimeter security and proactively protect people in the most targeted area. They used wooden saw horses expecting to keep vehicles off sidewalks and streets when they should have used trucks or heavy vehicles as barriers. That's the way I view it. New Orleans should have been prevented by actually protecting people.
I refuse to spend my money to support the infiltration of such stupidity along with its accompanying hate and racism.
When an old senile political idiot like Joe Biden makes policy it should mean nothing if Democrats were honest. He should not even be relevant as President if Democrats were honest. But we know they are not.
Democrats have a history of dishonesty and playing games instead of honest sincerity. At their core it is what fundamentally they are as well as the news media they own