Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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This story is trash. Desperate attempt by a tarnished group of dishonest actors who find outlets that

help to indoctrinate the casual observer/ reader.

a condensed history of this outlet that jokingly calls what they do...journalism.

Beginning with the story of general stan McChrystal who dared to tell the truth.

When Rolling Stone published Chrystal comments, he was shocked that Rolling Stone would throw him under the leftist bus. McChrystal was one of "them." Stan was canned. Telling the truth wasn't his sin; he was booted because he told the truth about Obama's people.

Since Rolling Stone published its libelous Duke lacrosse story in 2006, the world recognized it for what it was " a leftist rag in a range between the National Enquirer and scribbles on a bathroom stall. Rolling Stone seems intent on trolling the gutter to find stories that will validate a conclusion and then find something that it thinks will shoehorn into the pre-conceived narrative.

The narrative now is the unending attacks on Justice Samuel Alito. It started with the claim that flying a flag upside down was a call for insurrection...or something. I wrote about that last month that it was the first of what now seems to be an assembly line of nothingburgers in an election year.

Now, Rolling Stone has published 2,000 words of breathlessness nonsense claiming that it has the goods on Alito. They finally got him. I hope you are sitting down. It seems Alito has private opinions. As shocking as that seems " Alito, as a practicing Catholic, has an opinion on Christianity. "

kilroy was here.


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