do you really believe people are not denied claims in a Universal Healthcare system, Or country with UHC?
#5 | Posted by oneironaut
I don't think most people believe that at all. But the two systems should/would have entirely different motives for doing so. Private insurance does it to maximize profits. And as has been reported by multiple sources, they often do so without an corresponding rational. ..And I remember when the right was screaming at the top of their lungs about government run "death panels"
Properly run UHC should be doing so to manage waste in the system, but not to supplement anyone's bottom line.
Why don't you tell us why healthcare in the US is twice as expensive per-capita as almost every other developed nation?
"We want to have paper ballots, one day voting, voter ID, and proof of citizenship."
This sounds very... well.. Russian.
I have no problem with requiring voter ID, which should include proof of citizenship. But there's absolutely NO reason to do away with early and mail-in voting. Unless of course you're trying to intimidate the electorate at the ballot box.
Are we going to have to dip our finger in ink, as well? Sometimes I think Trump is actively trying to start a civil war.