Sunday, March 31, 2024

PSA: Don't Bring a Katana to a Gun Fight

Newly released video shows the confrontation between a man who told deputies he was practicing his sword skills outside his Tucson motel room moments before he moved toward one of the officers and was fatally shot.



"I'm trying to achieve greatness on the katana, is that illegal in the United States?" Lewis can be heard asking the deputies.

Truth! 9 out of 10 public katana practitioners (katana-ists?) agree!

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 10:50 AM

My favorite online comment: "This is why you don't tell a retarded child that he can be anything."

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 11:03 AM

My favorite online comment: "This is why you don't tell a retarded child that he can be anything."

#2 | POSTED BY CENSORED AT 2024-03-31 11:03 AM |

The politically correct term is Republican-American child.

#3 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-03-31 11:09 AM

This is why cops should not be armed with guns. Clearly this man was suffering a psychotic break, he was incapable of responding rationally. A stun gun could have achieved a safe result for all involved instead of killing a sick person.

#4 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-03-31 11:13 AM

This is why cops should not be armed with guns. Clearly this man was suffering a psychotic break, he was incapable of responding rationally.
You want to send unarmed people to reason with an "irrational" man who armed himself with a sword?

A stun gun could have achieved a safe result for all involved instead of killing a sick person. #4 | Posted by truthhurts
It could, and while tasers have their place, they often do not work. (Police department reported Effectiveness rate < 70% ) On top of that, the one's that shoot give you one or two shots, so you best not miss. And the one's that require you to hold them during use require you to come within reach of the dude with a knife (or sword).

#5 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 11:49 AM

Actually, sitting in his police car and letting dude swing the sword around until he's tired and goes to bed, and then arresting him, would work too.
But that's besides the fact that the cop is a kitty who can't disarm a fat guy with a sword.

#6 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-03-31 11:51 AM

Actually, sitting in his police car and letting dude swing the sword around until he's tired and goes to bed, and then arresting him, would work too.
That's one approach to police-work. And the people who called the police because they maybe wanted to use the sidewalk should do what? Cede public and private spaces to the nutters?

But that's besides the fact that the cop is a kitty who can't disarm a fat guy with a sword. #6 | Posted by TFDNihilist
You think you can take on a guy with a sword with your bare hands? Very impressive! Please give it a shot and let us know how it goes. Better yet, film it for us. Either way it turns out, should prove highly educational.

#7 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 12:08 PM


A lot of those do not have an edge. My son has a couple of kitana's and a bastard sword that don't have edges. Admittedly if I didn't know for certain I would be hesitant to try and disarm someone with one and just at a glance you aren't going to know.

#8 | Posted by TaoWarrior at 2024-03-31 12:32 PM

Actually, sitting in his police car and letting dude swing the sword around until he's tired and goes to bed, and then arresting him, would work too.
That's one approach to police-work. And the people who called the police because they maybe wanted to use the sidewalk should do what? Cede public and private spaces to the nutters?

As opposed to killing sick people? Yeah, people can be inconvenienced for a little while.

#9 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-03-31 12:47 PM

A lot of those do not have an edge. My son has a couple of kitana's and a bastard sword that don't have edges. Admittedly if I didn't know for certain I would be hesitant to try and disarm someone with one and just at a glance you aren't going to know. #8 | Posted by TaoWarrior

True it may not have an edge. But a large piece of metal can still constitute a deadly weapon, even without an edge.

As opposed to killing sick people? Yeah, people can be inconvenienced for a little while. #9 | Posted by truthhurts

OK, you can enjoy that type of society. Some of us don't want to hunker at home because drunk/high nutters want to roam the streets threatening people with Japanese blade-weapons.

Personally, I think the cop did everything completely appropriately, keeping his distance and reasoning with the guy, and I have no problem with how this went down at all. Saved everyone a lot of ongoing expense.

Just another example of the FAFO educational process in action.

#10 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 12:57 PM

Ah man, the Dems lost one in AZ, that vote was heavily needed this year.

#11 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-03-31 06:03 PM

He's wearing a red jacket, dumbass. That's one of yours.

#12 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-03-31 08:26 PM

You think you can take on...
#7 | Posted by censored

Maybe not, but I wouldn't take a job that requires it. I do think a physically fit, properly trained professional, with proper equipment, like a padded sleeve say, could disarm an overweight out of shape complete amateur. Hell, he probably could have used a shovel to knock the guy over.
It's no wonder cops love guys like Kyle Rittenhouse, their technique is the same. They insert themselves in dangerous, violent situations and then get freaked out when they have to defend themselves.

#13 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-03-31 09:08 PM

Hell, he probably could have used a shovel to knock the guy over
Ok, but cops in my neck of the woods don't walk around with shovels. Car antennas, maybe.

They insert themselves in dangerous, violent situations
Uhh, that's sort of the job description, Uvalde cops notwithstanding...

and then get freaked out when they have to defend themselves. #13 | POSTED BY TFDNIHILIS
Maybe, for some cops, but it seemed to me that this one did his job just fine. Double-tapped katana-san and done.

#14 | Posted by censored at 2024-03-31 10:56 PM

...the job description...
#14 | Posted by censored

Then maybe they should figure out how to be better at it. But why bother when folks like you are perfectly happy with them mowing down folks in the street?

#15 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-04-01 07:53 AM

I've trained MMA, I'll maul most cops. No ------- way I'm fighting a guy with a sword, that's retarded.

#16 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-04-01 08:14 AM

It's just some fat stupid crazy guy who probably hasn't fought in his life and would get winded after 2 mins. Throw an orange at his head and then drop a net over him.
Blast "Ride of the Valkyries" at him and then knock him over with a weighted 10ft. pole.
I don't freakin' know, it's not my job to know. We pay cops tons of our tax money every year to do a job, supposedly protecting the helpless, and the best they can come up with is shooting you dead?

#17 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-04-01 11:04 AM

I saw some stupid movie where Sly Stallone was a cop in the future and they shot sticky foam at people so they were incapacitated. What a great idea.

#18 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-04-01 11:05 AM

We pay cops tons of our tax money every year to do a job, supposedly protecting the helpless
Yeah, but a 300 pound dude charging at someone with a sword isn't my definition of "helpless." And we don't pay those cops to lose a limb or get decapitated in order to protect the well-being of attempted murderers.

and the best they can come up with is shooting you dead? #17 | Posted by TFDNihilist
Yep! That sort of thing sometimes happens when you try to kill someone.

Cops are entitled to defend themselves at least as much as the average person on the street. Someone charges at me with a sword and I'm armed, I'd empty my magazine into him.

#19 | Posted by censored at 2024-04-01 11:17 AM

Sounds like the cop escalated the situation as they are trained to, so they can justify lethal force.

#20 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-04-01 11:18 AM

Cops are entitled to defend themselves at least as much as the average person...
#19 | Posted by censored

No they're not. They take the job knowing the dangers. If their main concern is their own safety, then they should stay home, that's the safest place of all.

As Frank Rizzo said after the MOVE disaster...

Any cop or firefighter who is afraid to die in the line of duty should quit and become a beautician.

#21 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-04-01 11:39 AM

No they're not. They take the job knowing the dangers. If their main concern is their own safety, then they should stay home, that's the safest place of all. As Frank Rizzo said after the MOVE disaster... Any cop or firefighter who is afraid to die in the line of duty should quit and become a beautician. #21 | Posted by TFDNihilist

You're mixing and matching concepts.

Yes, cops and firefighters accept an inherent level of risk in their jobs that the average person would not.

But that doesn't mean they are expected to sacrifice their lives to the person who is actively trying to kill them. Otherwise, you can take that philosophy to its extreme and say cops can never use their guns to shoot someone who is trying to kill them since that would be deleterious to the attempted murderer.

Best of luck finding any rational person who will become a cop in that world. Maybe the katana-ist in that video would be up for it, though. Except he's dead. PBUH.

#22 | Posted by censored at 2024-04-01 12:00 PM

"Yes, cops and firefighters accept an inherent level of risk in their jobs that the average person would not."

I guess "average people" aren't sanitation workers or farmers.

Police aren't even in the top 25 most dangerous professions, bootlicker.

#23 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-04-01 12:05 PM

"But that doesn't mean they are expected to sacrifice their lives to the person who is actively trying to kill them."

Then why would they approach a guy standing there alone?

#24 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-04-01 12:07 PM

Nobody commits suicide by sanitation worker lol.

#25 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-04-01 12:08 PM

Only thugs make it their job to kill people instead of helping people.

#26 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-04-01 12:12 PM

This is why cops should not be armed with guns. Clearly this man was suffering a psychotic break, he was incapable of responding rationally. A stun gun could have achieved a safe result for all involved instead of killing a sick person.


I think cops use excessive and deadly force far too often.

But this is not an instance of that.

To technically be sold as "blunt," a sword has to have an edge width of 1mm or more. Sure, you could run your hand along it with no cuts, but if you swing it with any force? It will damn sure cut. And deeply.

Forget it if there's any kind of edge on it.

#27 | Posted by jpw at 2024-04-01 03:18 PM

do think a physically fit, properly trained professional, with proper equipment, like a padded sleeve say, could disarm an overweight out of shape complete amateur

I don't think you understand what a sword can do.

#28 | Posted by jpw at 2024-04-01 03:20 PM

I don't think you understand what a sword can do. #28 | Posted by jpw

Thanks for posting those video links. While I had no doubt that a "blunt" sword could do some damage, had no idea that it could hack like that.

Clearly, while I was studying RedTube you were studying the blade.

#29 | Posted by censored at 2024-04-01 04:34 PM

...don't think you understand what a sword can do.
#28 | Posted by jpw

Maybe, but I do know that folks have been disarming men with swords for thousands of years.
Just shooting him dead is lame and lazy.

#30 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-04-02 07:36 AM

They actually shot them with arrows or killed them with spears. Spear beats sword. Many brilliant swordsman that were samurai were poked to death by a bunch of illiterate peasants with pointy sticks.

#31 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-04-02 08:31 AM

Maybe, but I do know that folks have been disarming men with swords for thousands of years.
Yes. But just because something is possible doesn't make it the best practice. And it's not like the attempted murderer gave the cops a chance to withdraw to deploy alternative resources. He went 0 to 60 (10? 15?), charging at them with a raised sword.

Just shooting him dead is lame and lazy. #30 | Posted by TFDNihilist
He's a cop, not a gladiator. His job isn't to provide entertainment value. It's to stop the armed criminal from hurting someone. He performed that job well, putting the criminal out of commission and then rendering aid.

#32 | Posted by censored at 2024-04-02 08:32 AM

Many brilliant swordsman that were samurai were poked to death by a bunch of illiterate peasants with pointy sticks. #31 | Posted by sitzkrieg

A pointy stick?!?

Indian and Chinese troops fight with sticks and bricks in video. Now, that's entertainment!

#33 | Posted by censored at 2024-04-02 08:41 AM

Swords get all the glamour in media, but most historical armies were armed with pointy sticks. They worked pretty good until people had guns.

#34 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-04-02 09:40 AM

Maybe, but I do know that folks have been disarming men with swords for thousands of years.

Take a guess why armor progressed to the point that a man was covered head to toe in steel plates with layers of heavy padded cloth and mail to cover the gaps.

Because going against someone with a sword was dangerous f$&^ing work.

Are you suggesting officers carry armor in their trunks just in case they come across a sword wielding crazy person? They're also going to stand there and put it on (a job that usually took two people at least) while the swordsman just ... waited? Cleaned their finger nails?

Also, as mentioned, for those who couldn't afford state of the art armor, they dealt with swords by keeping them at a distance. Like a gun ...

#35 | Posted by jpw at 2024-04-02 10:36 AM

Swords get all the glamour in media, but most historical armies were armed with pointy sticks

They were a sidearm and status symbol.

The majority of people in a battle fought with spears or repurposed/modified farm tools.

#36 | Posted by jpw at 2024-04-02 10:38 AM

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