Saturday, July 20, 2024

Securing Datacenters may soon Need Sniffer Dogs

Nothing else can detect attackers with implants designed to foil physical security


More from the article...

... Sniffer dogs may soon become a useful means of improving physical security in datacenters, as increasing numbers of people are adopting implants like NFC chips that have the potential to enable novel attacks on access control tools.

So claims Len Noe, tech evangelist at identity management vendor CyberArk. Noe told The Register he has ten implants " passive devices that are observable with a full body X-ray, but invisible to most security scanners.

Noe explained he's acquired access cards used to enter controlled premises, cloned them in his implants, and successfully walked into buildings by just waving his hands over card readers.

Unless staff are vigilant enough to notice he didn't use a card, his entrance appears to be a normal, boring, instance of an RFID being scanned.

But like most electronics, Noe's implants include a chemical called triphenylphosphine oxide that has a bunch of uses, including flame retardation, and does find its way into the manufacturing of electronics. Sniffer dogs have thus been trained to sniff out the chemical to detect electronic devices. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-19 12:37 AM

As long as network design protocol is install hackable all eggs in one basket networked architecture interfaces instead of secure unhackable private wire access to critical elements, security will be at risk. Software driven security with back doors is always hackable and thus at risk and some entity certainly can and will hack it.

#2 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-21 10:35 AM

Deviant Ollam has been doing this as part of his red team attacks for probably a decade now. This isn't new.

He also prints fake badges, using the implant is still going to look like he's scanning a badge. And a dog would alert to every person with a badge, because they're going to have the same chemicals a dog would be sniffing for. A dog seems like a bit of a waste of money. 2 factor seems like a better (and much less expensive) option.

#3 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-07-21 11:08 AM

The main issue with security is that it's defense has to work 100% of the time, while the attacker's offense needs only to work once.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-21 11:33 AM

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