Sunday, September 15, 2024

Harris Will End College Degrees for Some Federal Jobs

Vice President Kamala Harris said she will cut college degree requirements for certain federal jobs if elected president as the Democratic presidential candidate and her Republican rival woo voters with economic pledges. "As president, I will get rid of the unnecessary degree requirements for federal jobs to increase jobs for folks without a four-year degree," Harris on Friday in her speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.



Interesting idea. As long as the educational system nationwide is vastly improved and emphasizes critical thinking. We are paying a damn heavy price for a lack of that.

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-15 06:59 AM

The Federal government would not be the only entity to eliminate the need for college degrees for certain positions.

1 in 3 companies are ditching college degree requirements for salaried jobs (March 2024)

... It's becoming easier to get a corporate job without a college degree: 1 in 3 companies say they no longer list educational requirements on their salaried job postings, according to Payscale's latest compensation best practices report.

Still, it's most common for companies, 41%, to say college degree requirements depend on the job, while a minority, 22%, say all of their jobs have a degree as a requirement. Payscale's analysis surveyed more than 5,700 business leaders and HR pros in late 2023.

As companies deprioritize college degree requirements, they're turning their attention to hiring candidates with the right skillsets, Ruth Thomas, a pay equity strategist with PayScale, said during a briefing with reporters. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-15 05:44 PM

A problem is when people conflate contrarian thinking with critical thinking

#3 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-09-15 05:56 PM

@#3 ... A problem is when people conflate contrarian thinking with critical thinking ...


Merely gainsaying anything being presented is not critical thinking.

Contrarian "thinking" may not even be thinking at all, but more likely a reflex-type action that does not involve the brain at all.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-15 07:06 PM

I've noticed a number of job pistings recently where years of experience related to the responsibilities substitutes for college degrees. At first I wondered why, but it made sense that if a person can pass a qualification examination, and has significant ears of experience doing work related to the responsibility of the job, why should they disqualified??

#5 | Posted by Augustine at 2024-09-16 01:05 AM

As president, I will get rid of the unnecessary degree requirements for federal jobs to increase jobs for folks without a four-year degree," Harris on Friday in her speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Completely oblivious to the fact that she's coming across exactly as the worst stereotypes of Dems say Dems are...

#6 | Posted by jpw at 2024-09-16 09:07 AM

If you look at the requirements on paper for some GS positions, they are a little silly. I would prefer someone with the required experience over someone with a meaningless degree.

#7 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 09:54 AM

Apparently she loves the poorly educated too.

The solution to expensive education is not cutting education requirements.


We need to end the federal student loan program and make all public universities free for students.

And Madbomber - NO degree is meaningless. ANY degree means somebody has had more education than the absolute minimum.

#8 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-09-16 10:19 AM

I would prefer someone with the required experience over someone with a meaningless degree.


When I was hiring I preferred both.

Some jobs require a degree in the field AND some experience to be competent. Some jobs just require a lot of experience. Some jobs require neither just common sense and the ability to be trained.

I did make a mistake once and hired an employee with a PHD and little to no experience. THAT was a total mistake. So a an advanced degree and no experience is not a great option. Especially those with PHDs because of they think they know everything already. And definitely more than you.

#9 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 12:08 PM


My company just hired a new 25-year-old as a logistics planner. No college degree. The person she replaced had a doctorate.

Sometimes a degree matters. Much of the time it does not.

#10 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 12:33 PM


When I was in the military I graduated from the US Air Force Weapons School. It's basically the USAF version of the Navy's TOP GUN program or the USMC's WTI. You spend six months getting your face kicked in, but the graduates are told that they will always be the smartest person in the room. I was probably that ------- right after I graduated, but later in life I've found it tough to work with them. Many of them think they are always right. As often as not, they're clueless about most things outside of tactics and their specific aircraft.

#11 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 12:47 PM

"We need to end the federal student loan program and make all public universities free for students."

Why should taxpayers be on the hook paying for degrees that don't contribute to labor value? There are degrees where, statistically, if you get that degree, you'd make less money than if you had not gone to college.

My youngest wants to do into the trades. I think that is very ambitious of her. I feel like most kids today feel like they have to go to college, even if they don't know what they want to do in life.

#12 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 12:55 PM

A college degree should be required to work in the Parks Department just a plus.

#13 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 01:11 PM

When I was in the Marines I went to the actual Top Gun event when it was in Miramar.

I was there to support my planes and pilots. I didn't have a degree in anything. But lots of training and experience. My job and my partners job was to keep the Phantoms ECM and Comm Nav systems fully operational for the mock battle contests. Without my experience and abilities they could not have competed. The equipment was always prone to failure. We had a spare plane to rob parts from just in case.

And we won. And so I WAS the Top Gun Tech that year. We sure had fun in San Diego and La Jolla after that. At least the parts i can remember ... And Blacks Beach ... wow.

My experience got me a federal job in electronics engineering. And eventually I was hiring.. people with (and without) degrees to be on my team. And while I did not have a degree I had lots of college courses and thousands of hours of electronics and computer training.

So you CAN get good training in the federal government and you don't really need a degree for many jobs. Just the ability to be trained. Having said that there are still some federal jobs for which you should have a degree and experience.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 01:11 PM

"Having said that there are still some federal jobs for which you should have a degree and experience."

Sure. Like an accountant or a nurse. I have a BSBA and an MBA. I don't need either one for my current job.

One of my former instructors told me that the F-4 was the best EW jet ever built. Tons of jamming antennas. That was the version the USAF was using for its SEAD (YGBSM) mission. Not sure if Marine F-4s had the same kit.

#15 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 01:32 PM

As a side, my daughter's boyfriend is at Parris Island right now. He's going to be an aircraft mechanic. I have been extremely impressed with the way the Marines run that program. Even before he left for basic training, his recruiters flew him back to the US to compete in field activities with others who were awaiting training. They also have a person with a camera follow the company around to take pictures and document what the recruits are doing and share them online with friends and family.

When I first enlisted in 1994, there was none of that. It was like volunteering for four years in prison. They did not give a ---- about us.

#16 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-16 01:42 PM

errr "should not" lol

#17 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-16 02:08 PM

Sure. Like an accountant or a nurse. I have a BSBA and an MBA. I don't need either one for my current job.

I was thinking scientists and lawyers and such. Jobs that the government doesn't have the training facilities for.

The F4N fighter attack jets I worked on did have the ALQ 126. Not sure if they still use it but you could not shoot down an F4 with a good working ALQ-126. It would reflect radar signals back and your plane would appear to be in an entirely different location. It had other cool features to jam SAM and AAA radars. It worked in conjunction with an EW suite of equipment. Like the ALR 45 scopes which told you the range and direction the threat was coming from.

They were once classified but I would imagine they have much better systems now. You can find them online.

I discovered that the trick for peak performance was always sweeping (and resweeping) the antenna systems and of course running self tests. . There was a lot of antennas and it was a pain but it helped guarantee the system would work properly when needed.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-16 02:32 PM

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