Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Texas Offers Trump Huge Ranch for Mass Deportation Plan

Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham has offered President-elect Donald Trump the use of a 1,402-acre ranch in Starr County, on the U.S.-Mexico border, for the construction of concentration camps.



Texas volunteers for migrant concentration camps.

Quelle surprise.

#1 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-20 10:30 AM

So it begins.

#2 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-11-20 12:04 PM

concentration camps.......LOL

#3 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 12:17 PM

concentration camps.......LOL

#3 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 12:17 PM

I seem to recall you being as unbelieving and unconcerned about Roe V Wade and abortion bans. Wake up Eb, maybe we dont need to be a 'sky is falling' type but to laugh it off as something that wont happen is like sticking your head in the sand. It doesnt work for the ostrich either.

#4 | Posted by justagirl_idaho at 2024-11-20 12:35 PM


The difference, little girl, is that the GOP was actually promising to end Roe.

Nobody is promising to build an actual concentration camp, little girl.

a deportation camp is not the same thing.

But I enjoy your hysteria regardless, little girl. Keep it up.

I'm not sure if Trump is serious or not about truly wanting to deport the tens of millions of illegals as he says.

Maybe this is a legitimate and deliberate action that's going to play out just like he's describing.

But I'm considering another strategy at play. He's showing his hand so obviously I'm considering the possibility it's all a bluff.

or not.......

#5 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 12:49 PM

Way to be a dick.


#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 12:59 PM

easy there Clown...I don't think calling me an ostrich is too out of bounds.

#7 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 01:01 PM

concentration camps.......LOL

#3 | Posted by eberly

Republicans overturn roe v wade ... lol

Posted by Eberly

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-20 01:02 PM

" These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation -------, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.

The short-lived operation used military-style tactics to remove Mexican immigrants"some of them American citizens"from the United States. Though millions of Mexicans had legally entered the country through joint immigration programs in the first half of the 20th century, Operation ------- was designed to send them back to Mexico."

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-11-20 01:03 PM

and on a place where at least 1 poster is running calling everyone a ----, piece of ----, scum,'re gonna criticize me for "little girl" when she has girl in her actual username?

What I did wasn't even as bad as "Beverly".

You're so biased it's beyond the pale.

#10 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 01:03 PM

Thanks, Boazboy.

I'm 49 for 50 at free throws

You're 4 for 50 at layups.

#11 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 01:05 PM


With each election where half the country doesn't get what they want......they declare history begins on the date of that election.

no consideration for the context and nuance of the history of a particular challenge we've been facing for generations.

immigration being a great example......

Some people need to watch "Gangs of New York" or "The Godfather" or even "Roots" or 50 other movies that dramatize the ugly reality of immigration in this country......

#12 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 01:08 PM

you're gonna criticize me for "little girl" when she has girl in her actual username?

Seems like her comment cut you deep.

Regardless. I find some posters come here for a discussion and others to troll and I try to address them accordingly.

You do you. I'm not here to moderate.

Just felt like your response to her comment was a bit -------.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 01:13 PM

With each election where half the country doesn't get what they want......they declare history begins on the date of that election.

History will begin with Trump's second inauguration.

Never before has a president promised to attack America.

Trump's plan, the Republican agenda, to use the United States military to root out immigrants and deport them is a first.

No other president has pledged to gut the federal government, fire employees, replace them with loyalists.

No other president has ever said, "if I win this election, you won't have to worry about voting again in 4 years."

This isn't life as normal.

You're stuck in the state of denial.

#14 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 01:19 PM

Re 11


Post 8 was a Swoosh!

Nothing but net.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-20 01:22 PM

Trump telling voters they won't have to worry about voting again if he wins:

Trump tells Christians they won't have to vote after this election

Trump tells supporters they 'won't have to vote' again if he wins

YouTube - Trump tells voters they 'don't have to vote again' if he's elected - Stats at 50 seconds.

YouTube - 'You won't have to vote anymore' if he is elected, Donald Trump tells crowd - Starts at 15 seconds.

Trump tells supporters they won't have to vote in the future: 'It'll be fixed!'

Trump Declines to Back Away From 'You Don't Have to Vote Again' Line

#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 01:31 PM

This isn't business as usual.

But I'll tell you what, Eberly, if Trump and republicans don't completely destroy America in the next four years, I'll owe you a coke.

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 01:33 PM

and on a place where at least 1 poster is running calling everyone a ----, piece of ----, scum,'re gonna criticize me for "little girl" when she has girl in her actual username?

What I did wasn't even as bad as "Beverly".

You're so biased it's beyond the pale.

#10 | Posted by eberly

---- you ----, now go call another poster a little girl for posting a reasonable criticism of you.

Like the bitch you are

#18 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-11-20 01:37 PM

Deep breaths, Truth.

While I do appreciate your fortitude over the past couple weeks dealing with the gloating trolls and shortsighted morons.

I was trying my best for a bit of civility.

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 01:43 PM

Mass Deportation

I'm just gonna post this here

Fourth Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

People, NOT citizens, NOT legal immigrants, PEOPLE

Fifth Amendment
No person shall {SNIP} be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

14th Amendment

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

There is zero chance that a mass deportation can work in compliance with these rights.

This just goes to show you magat scum HATE the constitution.

#20 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-11-20 01:57 PM

Deep breaths, Truth.

While I do appreciate your fortitude over the past couple weeks dealing with the gloating trolls and shortsighted morons.

I was trying my best for a bit of civility.

#19 | Posted by ClownShack

That is fine for you, I applaud you.

I view the election of ------- a direct assault on me and my loved ones.

They declared war.

I will never forgive, nor will I ever forget.

---- the magat scum, they deserve nothing but contempt.

#21 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-11-20 01:59 PM

"While I do appreciate your fortitude over the past couple weeks dealing with the gloating trolls and shortsighted morons."

self deprecating humor, I see?

#22 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:40 PM

-They declared war.

I didn't declare anything.

And you know that.

But I'm still a ----.


#23 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:44 PM

I woke up with foolish optimism, this isn't a place for discussion.

I know this.

TruthHurts, carry on.

#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-20 02:45 PM

This "little girl" is fine and doesnt care what you call me, I have much thicker skin than that. Just dont laugh about the things Trump wants to do and act surprised later. When someone tells you who they are believe them.

#25 | Posted by justagirl_idaho at 2024-11-20 02:45 PM

"You're stuck in the state of denial."

No, I'm not. I fully recognize the promises Trump has made and the actions he's taking.

#26 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:45 PM

-This "little girl" is fine and doesnt care what you call me,

That's nice...but "little girl" is barely an insult on this place, especially lately.

So I'm glad you have the thick skin to tolerate that.

It was actually a pun from Archie Bunker and how he talked to his daughter.

#27 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:48 PM

#20 - THIS.

#28 | Posted by YAV at 2024-11-20 02:49 PM

-I woke up with foolish optimism

good for you. don't let this place deter you.

I know I would never .....NEVER let that happen.

#29 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:49 PM

"The early camps were extrajudicial sites of detention established in Nazi Germany in 1933. Although the system was mostly dismantled by the end of the year, these camps were the precursor of the Nazi concentration camps."

#30 | Posted by YAV at 2024-11-20 02:51 PM

-There is zero chance that a mass deportation can work in compliance with these rights.

I agree....which is why I have my doubts as to how far this will go.

part of me thinks they are taking this down to the 5 yard line.

Trump will pull in industry leaders who would be most affected by this action......and then negotiate something with them.....but now with some leverage and control. Certainly more than he would have otherwise.

It's just a theory.......

#31 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:55 PM



spit it out....

#32 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 02:56 PM

...trying my best for a bit of civility.
#19 | Posted by ClownShack

Good is good to Evil, while Evil is evil to Good.
That's why Evil always wins.

#33 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-11-20 03:01 PM

Who here thinks we're going to build actual concentration camps for the purposes of exterminating these immigrants?

trains, ovens, mass graves? the whole thing? parts of it?


I have to be gone for a while but I'll check back to see who has the nerve to raise their hand and admit this is what they believe is going to happen.

#34 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 03:06 PM

Yav already raised his hand (hopefully he washed them first)

#35 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 03:07 PM

Who here thinks we're going to build actual concentration camps for the purposes of exterminating these immigrants?

trains, ovens, mass graves? the whole thing? parts of it?


I have to be gone for a while but I'll check back to see who has the nerve to raise their hand and admit this is what they believe is going to happen.

Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 03:06 PM | Reply

You're confusing concentration camps with extermination camps. There's a difference. Small but accurate nonetheless.

#36 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-11-20 03:12 PM

Meanwhile, out at the Texas ranch:

"In this segment we hear from Donald Trump with a message for all the young that voted for him."

#37 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-20 03:45 PM

Beverly is a ------- gutless hack.

#38 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-11-20 06:49 PM

You're confusing concentration camps with extermination camps. There's a difference. Small but accurate nonetheless.

Exactly. My post, #30, was an answer to Eberly's Nobody is promising to build an actual concentration camp, little girl. a deportation camp is not the same thing comment.

I'm going to chalk this up to Eberly not understanding the history, the precedents, and the ease in which many - not just Germany - slide futher and further into some very evil places. It wasn't long ago we rounded up 117,000 Japanese-American citizens and put them in US internment camps; Manzanar, Topaz Minidoka ,Gila River, Poston, Heart Mountain, Amache, Rohwer, Jerome, Tule Lake.

internment: the state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons.

I have spent hours here:
There is a lot that can be learned from this place.
An interesting side note: The man that assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Gavrilo Princip was imprisoned in Terezin (before it evolved into a concentration camp under the Nazis). People still lay wreathes, flowers and notes on and around his cell.

#39 | Posted by YAV at 2024-11-20 06:56 PM

Oh, and to answer Eberly, I am not saying, nor have I even hinted at the camps the US appears is going to build as being extermination camps. There were tens of thousands of concentration camps and ghettos that the Nazi built and imprisoned people. There were only a handful of extermination camps.

Another side note on Terezin (#39). There is an exhibit in town in the museum where they read from the preserved Nazi log books how many prisoners were loaded into trains, and how many died during transport, and how many made it to the camps - concentration and extermination camps. Thousands died just during transport. Sometimes only a few out of more than a thousand made it. Sometimes none made it.

#40 | Posted by YAV at 2024-11-20 07:10 PM

Texas white men are thrilled because they know that as soon as those awful brown people are gone they will all be earning 6 figure salaries and living like heart surgeons from India or Pakistan!

#41 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-20 11:55 PM

I think that realistically, Trump will concentrate on deporting illegal immigrants that are arrested for anything from rape to robbery. The criminal coddling will stop.

#42 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-11-21 10:47 AM

"You're confusing concentration camps with extermination camps. There's a difference."

To whom?

who recognizes the difference?

you and Yav?


the other 8 billion people on the planet don't recognize the difference.

You're both trolling into Sentinel swastika territory with this crap.

#43 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 02:27 PM


Eberly is just STUPID..

#44 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-11-21 02:30 PM


stupid about what?

#45 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 02:31 PM


In that case, since immigrants are responsible for a lower percentage of the crime than citizens in the US, it should be a pretty short deportation list. Unless you count simply entering our country without permission as a serious crime (I know, many of you do), the right has hyped the criminal aspect of these immigrants a lot.

It's funny how MAGAts are suddenly backpedaling on the severity of what Agent Orange has promised he'll do.

I'll just wait and watch. But just in case, are you prepared to fill one of the job positions left vacant by mass deportation? Or do you think all the storm damaged roofs in the southeast will simply fix themselves?

#46 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-21 02:32 PM

"It wasn't long ago we rounded up 117,000 Japanese-American citizens and put them in US internment camps"

I pointed that out the last time there was mass hysteria over what Trump was doing at the border.

People, perhaps including you, interpreted that as some sort of defense for our border policy at the time.....which it certainly wasn't.

#47 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 02:37 PM

"now go call another poster a little girl for posting a reasonable criticism of you."

Posted by Truthhurts.....who calls everyone here a ------- ----, scum, deplorable, etc....


#48 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 02:40 PM

It wasn't long ago we rounded up 117,000 Japanese-American citizens and put them in US internment camps"

I pointed that out the last time there was mass hysteria over what Trump was doing at the border.

People, perhaps including you, interpreted that as some sort of defense for our border policy at the time.....which it certainly wasn't.

Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 02:37 PM | Reply

It was wrong then as it is wrong now.

#49 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-11-21 02:40 PM

Some people need to watch "Gangs of New York" or "The Godfather" or even "Roots" or 50 other movies that dramatize the ugly reality of immigration in this country......

#12 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-20 01:08 PM | Reply | Flag: unaware he too is an "ugly reality" immigrant

#50 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-11-21 09:09 PM

I think that realistically, Trump will concentrate on deporting illegal immigrants that are arrested for anything from rape to robbery. The criminal coddling will stop.

#42 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-11-21 10:47 AM
"criminal coddling" where exactly is that happening? During Trump's first term? you know, when murder rates were....higher?

#51 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-11-21 09:10 PM


I'm not unaware of anything, moron

#52 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-21 09:21 PM

@#31 ... I agree....which is why I have my doubts as to how far this will go. ...

How far do you think it will go?

Trump Confirms Plans to Use the Military to Assist in Mass Deportations

... President-elect Donald J. Trump confirmed on Monday that he intended to declare a national emergency and use the U.S. military in some form to assist in his plans for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants.

On his social media platform, Truth Social, Mr. Trump responded overnight to a post made earlier this month by Tom Fitton, who runs the conservative group Judicial Watch, and who wrote that Mr. Trump's administration would "declare a national emergency and will use military assets" to address illegal immigration "through a mass deportation program."

At around 4 a.m., Mr. Trump reposted Mr. Fitton's post with the comment, "TRUE!!!" ...

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-21 09:46 PM

-There is zero chance that a mass deportation can work in compliance with these rights.

I agree....which is why I have my doubts as to how far this will go.

There are Constitutional pathways to accomplish some of the Buffoon's apparent goals.

But it ain't all peaches and cream.

#54 | Posted by et_al at 2024-11-21 11:40 PM

geesus H !!

entire tread

what a useless load of crap.

--top to bottom / beginning to end.

#55 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-11-21 11:59 PM

@#55 ... entire tread

what a useless load of crap. ....

Are you saying, then, that Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham did not make that offer for concentrating the immigrants on a 1400 acre camp in Texas?

#56 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-22 12:25 AM

#54 | Posted by et_al

So what happens if Trump simply says "try and stop me"?

The legal system requires that its participants act in good faith. Trump isn't a good faith actor and, unfortunately, he's snared many into his orbit.

#57 | Posted by jpw at 2024-11-22 01:06 AM

Let's start with the libs

"We Are Not Making This Up!' James Carville Warns Trump Will Round Up His Enemies, Claims He's Mimicking Nazi Rallies
Phillip Nieto Oct 13th, 2024, 10:13 pm"

#58 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-11-22 06:15 AM

-How far do you think it will go?

I'm completely speculating here but Trump is all about leverage (and spite of course)

I don't believe Trump, nor folks at the highest level of government, really believe illegal immigrants pose the risk to our country they pontificate about when campaigning for office. They understand how essential immigrants are to our food supply and other important industries.

What I suspect is very possible is that in the days leading up to his taking office and the first 30-60 days in office...Trump will meet with representatives from agriculture, construction, that heavily employ these people and work something out that trump can take credit for.....but for the most part leave the current system in place.

#59 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-22 09:01 AM

#59 problem is we're damned if we do do, damned if we don't.

If we do, the economic ramifications will be large and probably long lasting.

If we don't, MAGA will get pissed because THEY actually dislike immigrants. Hell, look at people here like shrimptacoracist. He's perfectly fine with citizens being picked up in anti-immigrant actions and being deported as well.

The day they realize they were used, again, by a politician who thinks nothing of them is going to be a bad day.

#60 | Posted by jpw at 2024-11-22 09:10 AM



#61 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-22 09:58 AM

#60. You laid it out as it is.

#62 | Posted by YAV at 2024-11-22 10:02 AM

There is zero chance that a mass deportation can work in compliance with these rights.

Never say ZERO.

He has the SCORRUPTUS in his back pocket.

#63 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-22 10:19 AM

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