Not Salvageable?...Meaning?
I don't accept your basic premise that only the West knows anything.
That only the "facts" you present are correct and accurate. Much of what you post is links to Wikipedia etc. Like that's Holy Writ.
I am playing devil's advocate to some significant degree. I am overemphasizing certain things to be something of a troll at times.
I don't think Russia has a right to put boots on throats. Nobody does. That's Israel not me.
I don't think Israel is putting boots on throats in "Self Defense" I think they are doing it because they Can and Want to.
I think Israel wants it all. Meaning kill or expel anyone they want to.
And I see America, my Home stand with Ethnic Murder and Disproportionate Response.
Worse than anything Russia is doing. Just smaller is scale and area affected in geographic terms.
Morally the Israeli State is far worse than Russia.
Russia isn't perfect or even Correct in their Conduct.
They have caused a huge war over something that could have been negotiated.
But don't tell me the West isn't also pushing them into a response.
Don't act like NATO is Benign.
NATO is Western Imperialism it's ELITES pushing a top down agenda.
At the Expense of the rest of the World.
Nobody has to join but not everyone is invited to.
Russia asked to join, Bill Clinton said that would defeat the purpose of NATO's existence.
NATO is an Anti Russian Alliance. Or sure seems to be to many people.
Why wouldn't the Russians be paranoid about that given the Forces involved with the NATO coalition.
They have North America and most of Europe tryiing to hold them down.
Of course that threatening to them.
#42 What Superior Genetic Intelligence? I don't recognize that as being true.
Prove it. It sounds like more "Master Race" BS.
The Arabs are just as capable. Just as Worthy of Respect, I don't rank people's worth based on those kinds of considerations.
That is why they Steal and Kill. Gentiles are as Cattle to the Chosen.
Read the Old Testament. It's all there.