Sunday, July 21, 2024

How Project 2025 would Change American Life

Democrats have warned of the damage that Project 2025 could do to the federal government and access to reproductive care if former President Trump wins in November.



Behind the Curtain: Trump's dream regime

... Republicans long fantasized about a very different government: one run by a strong president indifferent to media pressure, empowered by a Republican Congress, backed by a conservative Supreme Court and lower court system, and free of administrative state handcuffs and hostile federal employees.

Why it matters: This dream -- a true decades-long, unfolding nightmare for Democrats -- is closer to reality than at any point in our lifetimes.

- - - If you're a Republican, you probably love this. If you're a Democrat, you probably loathe it. Either way, readers should be clear-eyed about the totality of sweeping change in governing power.

The big picture: We're not arguing former President Trump will win, or that Republicans will hold control of the House, or flip the Senate. But all are plausible.

- - - If Trump wins and congressional Republicans run the table, the other components for the most powerful White House in history are set firmly in place, and increasingly in law.

So let's dig into each component of the Republican fantasy: ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-21 07:25 PM


a.k.a., the result of the uber-wealthy purchasing the political solutions that please them.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-21 07:26 PM

Enough about Project 2025.

Let's call it for what it is:

Project 1825.

#3 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-07-21 07:35 PM

@#3 ... Enough about Project 2025. ...


Project 2025 is evil, a subjugation of democracy in adulation of an all-powerful autocrat in the Oval Office.

Comparisons to 1825 may be valid, but Project 2025 is here and now.

Project 2025 is so bad that now even fmr Pres Trump is trying to distance himself from it.

Take a step back and ponder that for a bit.

That, alone, is a warning of what may be to come.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-21 08:17 PM

T ks i disagree; project 2025 should be actually called Project 1929 so that New Deal is erased and we return to The Great Republican Depression of 1928! The richest Americans have been plotting this since :1932; they have carried their hatred for FDR ann these years. Not often talked about but they attempted a coup way back then and got away with it too. Why do you think they still try to sell the ridiculous idea that we are a Republic but not a democracy? Because they hate democracy and the powdr it gives to ttje people which is why we have the very undemocratic Senate and the ridiculous Electoral College!

#5 | Posted by danni at 2024-07-22 06:31 AM

Hey, I lived in Conn. through the 1950's, so I do know what is like to live in a place where the American Taliban is alive and well, where a few very rich people run the show, and the poor and the powerless suffer in silence. In those days there were no food stamps, and some people starved to death...not making that up. Goodness knows, without Obamacare, people died early and in great pain. The Catholic Church somehow had a lot of political power and routinely fought against national health care as "socialized medicine'. Just read up on the "blue laws".

#6 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-07-22 06:59 AM

If you think Election 2024 is "interesting", check out Election 1824:

I was not being entirely facetious when I suggested Project 2025 should be referred to as Project 1825.

#7 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-07-22 10:43 AM

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