Friday, March 07, 2025

Politician Rips Elon Musk as a 'Jester High on Ketamine'

A French politician has mock Elon Musk as a "jester high on ketamine," and compared Donald Trump to Nero.


French Senator Claude Malhuret: "Washington has become Nero's court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine ... We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor."

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-- Adam Schwarz ( March 5, 2025 at 10:47 AM


Not that it's their responsibility, but the European media should have been bashing Trump like this for 10 years.

I was particularly disappointed that the UK tabloids didn't troll the hell out of him during his first presidential campaign and term in office.

Also I miss the Weekly World News for its political reporting:

"Trump Meets Alien to Settle Gaza Dispute!"

#1 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-06 05:25 PM


#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-07 04:02 PM

The only reason Vancypants got elected is Trumpanzee needed a cl0wn "beard"... like he did with Pencehole.

Vancypants is his "work wife"... Musk is his "work goomah"...

Musk is the veep Trumpanzee always wanted... but is forbidden to marry.

#3 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2025-03-09 08:34 AM

Now European intel agencies, who have come across salacious and damning info about Dotard, some of it similar to the infamous Steele Dossier, struggle with whether they should release it. They've been holding it because Dotard is the POTUS an ally, now they are asking themselves if he's acting like one. I know the MAGAts squeal like stuck pigs whenever Steele's name is brought up, but for a dossier of raw intel, not much has been disproven including Hair Furor's slathering affection, or fear of Putin.

#4 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2025-03-09 09:35 AM

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