Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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The extreme left is a small part of the Democrats' umbrella... hard dogs to keep under the porch... same as the Republicl0wns and their extreme right crazies.
There are transexual republicl0wns... who feared the crazies on the left going too far.

Conservatives and Moderates in LGB circles are dissociating themselves from the TQblahblahblah because it is a form of extreme homophobia and the ultimate conversion therapy at worst.

Anecdotally speaking... regardless of party affiliation... most people I know don't give a $#!t what people do or how they dress as long as they respectfully stay in their lanes.

Fact is... if you "customize" your appearance outside "norms" it will affect your life because of how people will perceive you. Fact is it's not your business what people think of you. If you are born male and look like a man dressed in woman's clothes insisting you are female you will be perceived as delulu... because you are. They might not want to hire you because they want someone more grounded in reality. That sort of thing. It would probably be easy to prove you are cray cray too... if pressured. If your commitment to self-expression is that important to you... you need to learn to roll with the punches. It can be a lonely life.

When Tranz-aktivists talk of a "gender spectrum" why don't they seek gender "ambiguity-affirming" surgery or simply be a eunuch? Nope... it's one or the other. They have every right to do it... and it is what it is when they do.

It's like dealing with drug addicts... they fear without the hormone drugs... they will disappear.

If a woman takes The Pill all the time, she won't have a period again.

You could say that changes biology.

Here's another one: Men who take testosterone supplements because they have low testosterone.

That is an example of gender affirming care. And it is gender affirming care precisely because of the changes to biology.

#56 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-08 08:28 PM | Reply | Flag: PPPPFFFFTTTTTTT

False equivalencies..

"The Pill" is birth control in women. It's not gender-affirming other than it only works like that on women because we have all our gametes at birth ... unlike males who are gamete-producing bio machines from puberty forward.

Some women take estrogen to stave off menopause... and the "symptoms" of aging... it doesn't change the age and the gametes are gone.
Men take testosterone supplements and Viagra-like drugs for the same reason to postpone the symptoms of aging.

The sex determined at conception is the basis of how the cellular structure of our bodies forms throughout our lives and how the hormones will affect them. Fat is more estrogen-receptive... muscle is more testosterone-receptive. Both sexes have muscle and fat. That's all... nothing fancy or mysterious.

If the consumer of hormones stops taking them all but a few of their effects will go away but not the biology that determined the manifest results of taking those drugs. Women's overall body hair will return to female patterns and including female pattern baldness. Like they did an early menopause... dumb move. Men will keep the manbewbs etc...

Only the trans community and their allies want you to believe surgery and hormones can make you something you are not.

Furthermore... take away their drugs and they freak out...

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