Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Markets rocked by Trump show economic fear

What had been a steady pullback from the U.S. stock market accelerated sharply Monday as investors retreated from virtually every type of risk.


More from the article ...

... Tech stocks tumbled by the most since 2022 -- driving the Nasdaq 100 Index down nearly 4%. Crypto prices slid. Corporate bond sales were scrapped. A gauge of credit risk surged. And Treasuries rallied, pulling yields down steeply, as they reprised their role as the haven of last resort.

Within the stock market itself, shifts in and out of different sectors told the same story: Growing fear that President Donald Trump's tariff hikes, spending cuts and geopolitical shakeups will stall what until recently has been an economy that constantly defied naysayers with its strength.

Trump and his surrogates have started warning that retooling the US economy may bring some near-term pain -- and investors are preparing for just that. As the carnage piled up, they took refuge in shares of energy, consumer staples and utility companies -- relatively spending-cut free industries that tend to fare well during recessions. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-11 12:21 AM

@#1 ... As the carnage piled up, they took refuge in shares of energy, consumer staples and utility companies -- relatively spending-cut free industries that tend to fare well during recessions. ...

Fare well during recessions?

OK, I have to ask about this apparent upcoming recession, one that even Pres Trump seems to be adverse to denying may occur...

Will it be short and sweet?

Or long and distasteful?

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-11 12:28 AM

Or long and distasteful?

#2 | Posted by LampLighter

Trump's recession will be long and distasteful.

Because it will have been willfully created and willfully maintained.

Donald Trump is a Russian Asset.

Those Pee Tapes, and much worse, exist.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-11 09:54 AM

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