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According to the whispers I see on the net (of course you know everything is true on the net) this is likely a satellite killer they are talking about. I'm guessing it would be the EMP they would be using to scramble the satellites and turn them into junk. Which would take out early warning systems.

It seems to me someone doesn't really care if they survive this if that's the plan. In 1962, the US tested a 1.4 megaton fusion bomb in space. It lit the whole sky from Hawaii to New Zealand during the night as particles hit the upper atmosphere from the detonation and created an artificial aurora. It was exploded at a height of 250 miles and the result turned the night time sky into day. The EMP, knocked out radio stations and killed street lights in Hawaii. The project was called Starfish Prime and it was a test to see what would happen to the Van Allen radiation belts when a nuclear blast happened.

The blast created a new radiation belt that was stronger and more long lasting than what was predicted. It lingered for 10 years and destroyed two satellites in the process.

The problem with upsetting the Van Allen Belts, which protects the earth from solar radiation, which is what Starfish Prime did over a long lasting time period, is that if the sun fires a major geomagnetic storm during this time, the earth isn't as well protected.

The Carrington event, which was one of the strongest geomagnetic storms on record, occurred in 1859. It gave telegraph operators electric shocks. We have more concerns now than when the Carrington event happened. What exists now that didn't then is computer chips and they have been integrated into near all machines and for control and data retrieval purposes. A storm of such caliber during that 10 year span, would set civilization back globally.

Usually when things aren't going well for the party, you start to see politicians saying they won't seek re-election. I tend to think in part that TWINPAC'S estimation is in part accurate.

The other part is the GOP is looking for someone to hang the blame on. The real problem here, is that it needs congress's approval to advance any changes in the migration laws, which would stop in it's tracks all the migration caravans now coming every year. It's more than just enforcing the laws on the books. The laws on the books are a good bit outdated, having been passed 40 years ago when we weren't dealing with this mass of humanity.

Trump found out it wasn't as easy as he thought...he's not a king. He used the pandemic to stem the flow but that ended. He too called on Congress to change the laws for seeking asylum. The courts pretty much shut down the things Trump wanted to do, ruling them unconstitutional. Biden has also called for new laws on asylum in order to have legal means that won't bounce as being unconstitutional.

What needs changed is what qualifies as the laws for asylum. You have to know that all these walking caravans have been talking to each other on the way, schooling the group on what to say to get in. What worked in the past isn't working today, even with the laws as they now stand. A tightening is needed in what qualifies one for asylum, which the Supreme Court has decided that Congress oversees that. The GOP is looking for a scapegoat, since they can't govern. It's election year and if they are blamed as the bottleneck that has prevented the changing of the laws, it will go poorly for the during the election. It is now the #1 issue for voters according to NPR.org .

Having said the house would turn down the bill they so claimed to be seeking they are now being seen as the bottleneck that prevented a new law on asylum that would limit the flow.

There is a distinct possibility that in 10 years Putin will have died. He's been reported to have health issues. That's not to say his replacement won't be worse than what Russia has now for a leader. Even so, it will take time to make the politburo loyal to the new leader.

Putin has shown to be a sabre rattler with the nuclear weapons. I'm quite sure he's aware, just like Kim in North Korea, the first nuclear weapon to be used could well mean that countries leadership will no longer exist afterward. That's not a prospective winning hand. No one wins a nuclear war. To me it's telling that Putin uses the nuclear threat, knowing it's not winnable. It sounds to me that he's worried about other countries taking advantage of his low manpower for the military as well as his continual drain of weapons. When you issue your new troops WWII weapons and send them to war without full equipment, such as socks, it's telling.

While it's not a chance I'd like to take, I'm not all that sure their nuclear forces are any better than their other weapons of war. Putin has not only gone through his best troops in the Ukraine war, he's also gone through a lot of his most modern weapons. The causality rate has been a heck of a toll.

He's bleeding money to finance this war. His drop in income from the oil and gas he'd normally sell, has been substantial, having to sell it at below market prices in order to attract buyers with the sanctions in place.

The countries most current on their support of NATO (which doesn't have to be money, it can be troops or equipment of equivalent value) are strangely enough those bordering Russia. The further away from Russia the country is, the more in arrears they are. Approximately 35% are current.

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