Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Amazon Prime edited a crucial scene from the film It's a Wonderful Life where George gets to see how things would have been in Pottersville had he not been born. Why on earth did they think they needed to cut that scene?



Gays have a persecution complex because many straight Christians do single them out as if their own sexual sins don't matter and gays are doomed to hell.

Back in the 70s I had just been booted from the Navy and close to living in the street. I was eating at a fastfood restaurant one day talking about not sure what to do. My parents were not an option. While eating there, a total stranger came up to me introduced himself as the Pastor of a local MCC church that was in the process of being established in an extremely large city.

He offered me an extra bedroom living with him and his friend (lover as was called then). I made another friend while living there who helped me start college using my GI Bill. Eventually I finished my BS in Accounting and Minor Computer Science.

I'm getting to a point. The Pastor would talk to me since I lived with him and we discussed his take on homosexuality and sin in the Bible. Simply put he told me homosexuality is not a sin. I did not then and have never agreed with him. I'm glad I got the opportunity to learn his take on it.

Reconciling homosexuality and Christianity torments some young people who are raised as Christian and then realize they are gay.

Some straight Christians who most likely were homophobic before being saved use Biblical scripture to justify their hatred. It's very complex topic.

MCC resolved the issue I guess by teaching homosexuality is not sin.

I can't accept that but instead I simply decided straights and gays are all sinners and thus the whole purpose and reason for salvation and God's grace.

We're all sinners and saved by Grace through redemption and accepting you are a sinner and only through Jesus Christ can your sins be forgiven.

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