No...I was not serious. No book will be written.
However...I joined the navy when I had just turned 17.
At 18 I did start a journal and have written my thoughts and feelings and many life events ever since. I go a few months not writing but I've continued all along.
It's interesting reading things you wrote when you were essentially a different person who lacked experiences and saw the world through different eyes.
And sometimes you see things later you missed about events and people when you were in the thick of it.
Umm...ok...I mentioned on here a friend helped me get started going to college when I first left the Navy. I was living with the Pastor I mentioned earlier. I had feelings for this friend who walked me through the process of going to the VA and signing up for benefits and getting enrolled in classes but we never developed romantically. Later I read stories I wrote about things we did and arguments we had. He was more mature than I was. Now I can see in my writing if I had been more mature we could have had something together I suspect. I can tell he must have cared for me things he said and his being jealous....what if??
Another story I read years later after writing something after moving away to another city. I took an after school job and recorded in passing meeting a girl I didn't know then but would someday marry. What's funny is I had known her one week and casually mentioned if I ever married a girl it would be someone like her. Go figure...
And lots of other stuff I wrote over the years.
It's interesting reading about events you remember one way that weren't as bad as I thought things were then and only remembered how I felt at the time but had long since forgotten the details.
Hmmm....maybe I should clean it up and publish it.
The internet is the ultimate store front....most people aren't even selling for profit...its for other intangibles.
Of course...not you. You're just trying to enlighten everyone else.
Why? What do you get out of it?
You know...I suspect there's a lot of mental illness around with people who have God complexes...they think they're saving the world with their brilliance.