Not everyone has the money to move to another country when things go badly but apparently her privileged brain can't comprehend this.
#17 | Posted by Tor
I hate to say it, but I think Trump has a better chance of bringing peace to that part of the world than any Dem would given the pressures of their base.
Dems are now beholden to naive Hamas-loving fools like Jennifer Linzy (who Palestinian Isis and Iran are happy to exploit) so Dems can't use the only thing that Palestinian Isis and Iran understand, brute and overwhelming force.
Dems will protest when Trump uses that force, and then they will be called out as terrorist-coddlers. So they will lose more than half the voters, and any shot at winning a general election, to placate five percent
So let's hope the Democratic Party gets the message the kids sent loud and clear"
#19 | Posted by DarkVader
Not for the GOP, it isn't. In fact it's very much a winning strategy. So much so, that they convinced Arab-Americans and Arab-supporters to help get them elected.
So enjoy having them call the shots for the foreseeable future.