DJT is already claiming credit for the ceasefire.
#3 | Posted by Corky
There's a non-zero chance his upcoming administration might have something to do with it.
The Hamas/HizzBawlzOff contingent has little pull with the Repubs. On top of that, the Iranians are already on Hair Furor's S-List, what with trying to assassinate him ("Iran trying to assassinate Donald Trump, other US leaders, officials say"
Amazing what one can accomplish with these folks once they are aware that their violence will be met with an overwhelming response multiplied ten times over. Too bad the Dems had to try to placate the terrorist-lovers in their base instead of calling a spade a spade.
DJT is already claiming credit for the ceasefire.
#3 | Posted by Corky
There's a non-zero chance his upcoming administration might have something to do with it.
The Hamas/HizzBawlzOff contingent has little pull with the Repubs. On top of that, the Iranians are already on Hair Furor's S-List, what with trying to assassinate him ("Iran trying to assassinate Donald Trump, other US leaders, officials say"
Amazing what one can accomplish with these folks once they are aware that their violence will be met with an overwhelming response multiplied ten times over. Too bad the Dems had to try to placate the terrorist-lovers in their base instead of calling a spade a spade.